NPS analysis

NPS - Comment analysis

In an [previous post]( we performed some EDA on the NPS data we have. Recall that as part of the question about the likelihood of recommending a service or business there is an optional text response about why they picked this score.

Let’s try and see what those responses are all about. We had already performed some sentiment analysis on this text we are now going to attempt to classify this text into topics. Topic modeling is a method for unsupervised classification of such documents, similar to clustering on numeric data, which finds natural groups of items even when we’re not sure what we’re looking for.

Latent Dirichlet allocation (LDA) is a particularly popular method for fitting a topic model. It treats each document as a mixture of topics, and each topic as a mixture of words.

LDA has two key tenets

  • Every document is a mixture of topics
  • Every topic is a mixture of words.

In our NPS comment data, we will treat each comment as a document and we’ll try and see how many topics we can identify. Since LDA is unsupervised classification, and we do not have any a priori knowledge of the possible number of topics, we’ll need to do some trial and error.

Let’s start by loading the required libraries






LDA needs a term document matrix, let’s start by reading in the data and remove the rows that do not have any comments.

nps <- read.csv('~/data/nps.csv', header = TRUE, quote = '"'
                , na.strings=c("", "NA", "#N/A")
                , colClasses = c("Feedback.Received"= "Date"
                               , "Comment"="character"
                               , "Survey.Sent"="Date"
                               , "TPY"="integer"
nps<- nps %>% drop_na(Comment)

That leaves us with 1130 rows.

Let’s also enrich the data with some additional fields and add the category like we did in the last post. The category is dependent on the score and scores from 0 through 6 are considered detractors, 7 - 8 are passives and 9 and 10 are promorters.

nps$year <- as.factor(year(nps$Received))
nps$month <- cut(nps$Received, breaks = "month")
nps$days <- nps$Received - nps$Sent
nps$weekday <- weekdays(nps$Received)
nps$weekday <- factor(nps$weekday, levels = c("Sunday", "Monday","Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday"))
nps$cat <- cut(nps$Score, breaks = c(-1,6,8,10), labels = c("Detractor", "Passive", "Promoter"))

Extract out the comments while keeping the category

comments <- nps %>%
  select(Comment, cat) %>%

LDA using per comment as a document

The LDA function takes a TermDocumentMatrix object as an input; let’s convert our text into a DFM

nps_count <- comments %>%
  unnest_tokens(word, Comment) %>%
  anti_join(stop_words, by = c('word')) %>%
  count(`row_number()`, word, sort = TRUE) %>%

Now convert to a DTM and perform the LDA

nps_dtm <- nps_count %>%
  cast_dtm(`row_number()`, word, n)

LDA on the matrix. This produces a row per topic with each word and its probability of the word being generated by that topic. We picked seven topics but we will experiment with a few more combinations.

topic_count <- 25
nps_lda <- LDA(nps_dtm, k = topic_count, control = list(seed=1234))
nps_topics <- tidy(nps_lda, matrix = "beta")

Next - let’s find out the top 5 words per topic and plot those.

top_terms <- nps_topics %>%
  group_by(topic) %>%
  top_n(5, beta) %>%
  ungroup() %>%
  arrange(topic, -beta)

Plot the terms and topics.

top_terms %>% 
  mutate(term = reorder(term, beta)) %>%
  ggplot(aes(term, beta, fill=factor(topic))) +
  geom_col(show.legend = FALSE) +
  facet_wrap(~ topic, scales = "free" ) +
  coord_flip() +
  guides(fill=FALSE) +
  labs(title = "Terms in topics - By Comment", x = "Term", y = "Probability")
## Warning: The `<scale>` argument of `guides()` cannot be `FALSE`. Use "none" instead as
## of ggplot2 3.3.4.
## This warning is displayed once every 8 hours.
## Call `lifecycle::last_lifecycle_warnings()` to see where this warning was
## generated.

In this model, we treated each comment as it’s own document and picked 20 topics to classify the text, we assume that each responder roughly commented across the same 20 topics; how does this change if we treat each category as it’s own document. Are respondents per category talking about the same topics.

LDA By Category

There are three categories and we will try to classify the text into three topics but this time let’s try to use bigrams for this.

nps_count <- comments %>% 
  ungroup() %>% 
  unnest_tokens(word ,Comment, token = "ngrams", n = 2) %>% 
  count(cat, word, sort = TRUE) %>%

Now convert to a DTM and perform the LDA

nps_dtm <- nps_count %>%
  cast_dtm(cat, word, n)

*LDA on the matrix. *

This produces a row per topic with each word and its probability of the word being generated by that topic. We picked three topics but we will experiment with a few more combinations.

nps_lda <- LDA(nps_dtm, k = 3, control = list(seed=1234))
nps_topics <- tidy(nps_lda, matrix = "beta")

Next - let’s find out the top words per topic and plot those.

top_terms <- nps_topics %>%
  group_by(topic) %>%
  top_n(10, beta) %>%
  ungroup() %>%
  arrange(topic, -beta)

Plot the bigrams and topics; looking at the top terms, these seem to map well to the three categories - Promoters, Passives and detractors as 1, 2 and 3 respectively.

top_terms %>% 
  mutate(term = reorder(term, beta)) %>%
  ggplot(aes(term, beta, fill=factor(topic))) +
  geom_col(show.legend = FALSE) +
  facet_wrap( ~ topic, scales = "free" ) +
  coord_flip() +
  guides(fill=FALSE) +
  labs(title = "Bigrams in topics - By Category", x = "Term", y = "Probability")
## Warning: The `<scale>` argument of `guides()` cannot be `FALSE`. Use "none" instead as
## of ggplot2 3.3.4.
## This warning is displayed once every 8 hours.
## Call `lifecycle::last_lifecycle_warnings()` to see where this warning was
## generated.

LDA can also model each document as a mixture of topics. We can examine the per-document-per-topic probabilities, called Y (“gamma”), with the matrix = “gamma” argument to tidy()

nps_docs <- tidy(nps_lda, matrix = "gamma")
## # A tibble: 9 × 3
##   document  topic      gamma
##   <chr>     <int>      <dbl>
## 1 Detractor     1 0.00000351
## 2 Passive       1 0.00000485
## 3 Promoter      1 1.00      
## 4 Detractor     2 0.00000351
## 5 Passive       2 1.00      
## 6 Promoter      2 0.00000417
## 7 Detractor     3 1.00      
## 8 Passive       3 0.00000485
## 9 Promoter      3 0.00000417

Each of these values is an estimated proportion of words from that document that are generated from that topic. This confirms what we suspected - that topic 1 words were almost entirely (99%) generated of words from the promoters sections and topic 2’s words were generated from the passive documents.

Zipf’s Law

Let’s take a short detour before moving ahead. George Zipf, in the 1940’s, by hand took all the words in Ulysses and found that the frequency of a word was inversely proportinal to it’s rank. This observation applies to many phenomenon, including populations in cities.

nps_count <- nps %>%
  select(Comment, cat) %>%
  unnest_tokens(word, Comment) %>%
  count(cat, word, sort = TRUE) %>%

cat_count <- nps_count %>%
  group_by(cat) %>%
  summarise( total = sum(n))

nps_count <- left_join(nps_count, cat_count, by = 'cat')

freq_by_rank <- nps_count %>%
  group_by(cat) %>%
  mutate(rank = row_number(), freq = n/total)

Now let’s plot the log-log plot for the rank and frequency.

freq_by_rank %>% 
  ggplot(aes(rank, freq, color = cat)) +
  geom_line() +
  scale_x_log10() + 
  scale_y_log10() +
  scale_fill_brewer("category", palette = "Set1") +
  labs(title = "Zipf's law")

It’s quite amazing to see that even a fragmented set of comments follows Zipf’s law. The slope is not quite -1 but close. We can find out what the linear fit is. Really close to -1.

lm(log10(freq) ~ log10(rank), data = freq_by_rank %>% filter(rank > 10))
## Call:
## lm(formula = log10(freq) ~ log10(rank), data = freq_by_rank %>% 
##     filter(rank > 10))
## Coefficients:
## (Intercept)  log10(rank)  
##     -0.7715      -1.0264

Word Vectors

Word vectors are typically calculated using neural networks; that is what word2vec is. We will try to find word vectors in our own collection using some linear algebra. A lot of this is influenced by the excellent post by Julia Silge

We’ll start by counting unigram probabilities

comments <- nps %>%
  select(Comment, cat) %>%
  mutate(docID = row_number())
unigram_probs <- comments %>%
  unnest_tokens(word, Comment) %>%
  count(word, sort = TRUE) %>%
  mutate(p = n /sum(n))

##                   word   n            p
## 1                  the 913 3.785084e-02
## 2                   to 881 3.652419e-02
## 3                  and 843 3.494880e-02
## 4                   of 523 2.168235e-02
## 5                   is 503 2.085320e-02
## 6                    a 481 1.994113e-02
## 7                    i 418 1.732930e-02
## 8                  for 367 1.521496e-02
## 9                   it 312 1.293479e-02
## 10                  we 301 1.247875e-02
## 11                have 293 1.214709e-02
## 12             service 280 1.160814e-02
## 13                 use 274 1.135940e-02
## 14                that 268 1.111065e-02
## 15                with 264 1.094482e-02
## 16                 are 242 1.003275e-02
## 17            customer 229 9.493802e-03
## 18                 our 225 9.327971e-03
## 19                  in 211 8.747564e-03
## 20                 not 209 8.664649e-03
## 21               great 201 8.332988e-03
## 22              system 191 7.918411e-03
## 23             support 187 7.752581e-03
## 24                easy 155 6.425936e-03
## 25                  be 154 6.384478e-03
## 26                 but 143 5.928444e-03
## 27                ease 142 5.886986e-03
## 28                  on 137 5.679698e-03
## 29                very 134 5.555325e-03
## 30               there 125 5.182206e-03
## 31                 you 120 4.974918e-03
## 32               would 118 4.892003e-03
## 33                been 114 4.726172e-03
## 34                  as 112 4.643257e-03
## 35                like 112 4.643257e-03
## 36                 has 104 4.311596e-03
## 37                your  96 3.979934e-03
## 38                when  93 3.855562e-03
## 39              ticket  91 3.772646e-03
## 40            friendly  89 3.689731e-03
## 41                good  89 3.689731e-03
## 42                user  84 3.482443e-03
## 43                  my  82 3.399527e-03
## 44                  an  79 3.275154e-03
## 45                 all  77 3.192239e-03
## 46             tickets  77 3.192239e-03
## 47                  do  73 3.026409e-03
## 48                from  73 3.026409e-03
## 49                  or  71 2.943493e-03
## 50                this  71 2.943493e-03
## 51                  up  70 2.902036e-03
## 52                it's  69 2.860578e-03
## 53                some  68 2.819120e-03
## 54           ticketing  68 2.819120e-03
## 55                they  66 2.736205e-03
## 56               needs  65 2.694747e-03
## 57             product  65 2.694747e-03
## 58                  us  65 2.694747e-03
## 59                more  64 2.653290e-03
## 60                  so  63 2.611832e-03
## 61                 get  62 2.570374e-03
## 62                  if  61 2.528917e-03
## 63                  no  61 2.528917e-03
## 64             patrons  61 2.528917e-03
## 65                need  59 2.446001e-03
## 66               email  58 2.404544e-03
## 67               other  57 2.363086e-03
## 68                  at  56 2.321628e-03
## 69                 can  55 2.280171e-03
## 70             reports  55 2.280171e-03
## 71                work  55 2.280171e-03
## 72                 one  54 2.238713e-03
## 73              issues  53 2.197256e-03
## 74               works  53 2.197256e-03
## 75               sales  52 2.155798e-03
## 76                 was  52 2.155798e-03
## 77              always  51 2.114340e-03
## 78                 had  51 2.114340e-03
## 79                love  51 2.114340e-03
## 80           marketing  51 2.114340e-03
## 81               don't  50 2.072883e-03
## 82            software  50 2.072883e-03
## 83               staff  50 2.072883e-03
## 84                 way  50 2.072883e-03
## 85                also  48 1.989967e-03
## 86                time  48 1.989967e-03
## 87                many  47 1.948510e-03
## 88              patron  46 1.907052e-03
## 89             because  44 1.824137e-03
## 90              events  44 1.824137e-03
## 91                 too  44 1.824137e-03
## 92                help  43 1.782679e-03
## 93                well  43 1.782679e-03
## 94                fees  42 1.741221e-03
## 95                able  41 1.699764e-03
## 96            features  40 1.658306e-03
## 97             helpful  40 1.658306e-03
## 98             program  40 1.658306e-03
## 99              things  39 1.616848e-03
## 100              about  38 1.575391e-03
## 101               high  38 1.575391e-03
## 102                 me  38 1.575391e-03
## 103           problems  38 1.575391e-03
## 104          excellent  37 1.533933e-03
## 105               only  37 1.533933e-03
## 106              still  37 1.533933e-03
## 107                 10  36 1.492475e-03
## 108          reporting  36 1.492475e-03
## 109              their  36 1.492475e-03
## 110               were  36 1.492475e-03
## 111               most  35 1.451018e-03
## 112               what  35 1.451018e-03
## 113             better  34 1.409560e-03
## 114               data  33 1.368102e-03
## 115                set  33 1.368102e-03
## 116                any  32 1.326645e-03
## 117                new  32 1.326645e-03
## 118             people  32 1.326645e-03
## 119              years  32 1.326645e-03
## 120               cost  31 1.285187e-03
## 121              could  31 1.285187e-03
## 122                how  31 1.285187e-03
## 123               just  31 1.285187e-03
## 124               team  31 1.285187e-03
## 125               than  31 1.285187e-03
## 126              using  31 1.285187e-03
## 127              which  31 1.285187e-03
## 128         everything  30 1.243730e-03
## 129      functionality  30 1.243730e-03
## 130             really  30 1.243730e-03
## 131              can't  29 1.202272e-03
## 132              event  29 1.202272e-03
## 133                few  29 1.202272e-03
## 134               make  29 1.202272e-03
## 135             online  29 1.202272e-03
## 136       organization  29 1.202272e-03
## 137                 am  28 1.160814e-03
## 138                see  28 1.160814e-03
## 139              happy  27 1.119357e-03
## 140               year  27 1.119357e-03
## 141                  2  26 1.077899e-03
## 142               best  26 1.077899e-03
## 143                 by  26 1.077899e-03
## 144               much  26 1.077899e-03
## 145              never  26 1.077899e-03
## 146                now  26 1.077899e-03
## 147                out  26 1.077899e-03
## 148           response  26 1.077899e-03
## 149            theatre  26 1.077899e-03
## 150              being  25 1.036441e-03
## 151               call  25 1.036441e-03
## 152          interface  25 1.036441e-03
## 153               lack  25 1.036441e-03
## 154            company  24 9.949836e-04
## 155          difficult  24 9.949836e-04
## 156              issue  24 9.949836e-04
## 157                who  24 9.949836e-04
## 158               will  24 9.949836e-04
## 159               into  23 9.535260e-04
## 160             office  23 9.535260e-04
## 161               over  23 9.535260e-04
## 162               them  23 9.535260e-04
## 163          different  22 9.120683e-04
## 164               find  22 9.120683e-04
## 165            however  22 9.120683e-04
## 166            overall  22 9.120683e-04
## 167            perfect  22 9.120683e-04
## 168               card  21 8.706107e-04
## 169               even  21 8.706107e-04
## 170               give  21 8.706107e-04
## 171             having  21 8.706107e-04
## 172               made  21 8.706107e-04
## 173         management  21 8.706107e-04
## 174             needed  21 8.706107e-04
## 175            options  21 8.706107e-04
## 176              price  21 8.706107e-04
## 177            problem  21 8.706107e-04
## 178          questions  21 8.706107e-04
## 179              seems  21 8.706107e-04
## 180           services  21 8.706107e-04
## 181            several  21 8.706107e-04
## 182           database  20 8.291530e-04
## 183               does  20 8.291530e-04
## 184           donation  20 8.291530e-04
## 185               each  20 8.291530e-04
## 186               know  20 8.291530e-04
## 187             number  20 8.291530e-04
## 188              small  20 8.291530e-04
## 189              times  20 8.291530e-04
## 190            website  20 8.291530e-04
## 191               back  19 7.876954e-04
## 192                box  19 7.876954e-04
## 193             credit  19 7.876954e-04
## 194            feature  19 7.876954e-04
## 195             little  19 7.876954e-04
## 196        reliability  19 7.876954e-04
## 197             report  19 7.876954e-04
## 198             should  19 7.876954e-04
## 199            someone  19 7.876954e-04
## 200               want  19 7.876954e-04
## 201            working  19 7.876954e-04
## 202                  1  18 7.462377e-04
## 203            ability  18 7.462377e-04
## 204           business  18 7.462377e-04
## 205             change  18 7.462377e-04
## 206          donations  18 7.462377e-04
## 207                  e  18 7.462377e-04
## 208                 go  18 7.462377e-04
## 209             higher  18 7.462377e-04
## 210          intuitive  18 7.462377e-04
## 211                lot  18 7.462377e-04
## 212              order  18 7.462377e-04
## 213           reliable  18 7.462377e-04
## 214               sell  18 7.462377e-04
## 215               take  18 7.462377e-04
## 216              after  17 7.047801e-04
## 217            changes  17 7.047801e-04
## 218          customers  17 7.047801e-04
## 219            doesn't  17 7.047801e-04
## 220        flexibility  17 7.047801e-04
## 221               i've  17 7.047801e-04
## 222               last  17 7.047801e-04
## 223            process  17 7.047801e-04
## 224              quick  17 7.047801e-04
## 225          recommend  17 7.047801e-04
## 226              score  17 7.047801e-04
## 227              think  17 7.047801e-04
## 228            through  17 7.047801e-04
## 229            without  17 7.047801e-04
## 230          available  16 6.633224e-04
## 231          extremely  16 6.633224e-04
## 232            getting  16 6.633224e-04
## 233                i'm  16 6.633224e-04
## 234              makes  16 6.633224e-04
## 235              phone  16 6.633224e-04
## 236             robust  16 6.633224e-04
## 237           solution  16 6.633224e-04
## 238               tech  16 6.633224e-04
## 239                add  15 6.218648e-04
## 240             answer  15 6.218648e-04
## 241                bit  15 6.218648e-04
## 242             emails  15 6.218648e-04
## 243              every  15 6.218648e-04
## 244          expensive  15 6.218648e-04
## 245               long  15 6.218648e-04
## 246               nice  15 6.218648e-04
## 247              often  15 6.218648e-04
## 248             person  15 6.218648e-04
## 249            quality  15 6.218648e-04
## 250               same  15 6.218648e-04
## 251               show  15 6.218648e-04
## 252              since  15 6.218648e-04
## 253              those  15 6.218648e-04
## 254               told  15 6.218648e-04
## 255                two  15 6.218648e-04
## 256              while  15 6.218648e-04
## 257             design  14 5.804071e-04
## 258              donor  14 5.804071e-04
## 259              first  14 5.804071e-04
## 260           glitches  14 5.804071e-04
## 261       improvements  14 5.804071e-04
## 262           multiple  14 5.804071e-04
## 263           platform  14 5.804071e-04
## 264          sometimes  14 5.804071e-04
## 265              we've  14 5.804071e-04
## 266              where  14 5.804071e-04
## 267                yet  14 5.804071e-04
## 268               both  13 5.389495e-04
## 269            contact  13 5.389495e-04
## 270                day  13 5.389495e-04
## 271             easier  13 5.389495e-04
## 272         especially  13 5.389495e-04
## 273                etc  13 5.389495e-04
## 274          functions  13 5.389495e-04
## 275        information  13 5.389495e-04
## 276               keep  13 5.389495e-04
## 277        limitations  13 5.389495e-04
## 278            members  13 5.389495e-04
## 279              offer  13 5.389495e-04
## 280             offers  13 5.389495e-04
## 281             others  13 5.389495e-04
## 282             pretty  13 5.389495e-04
## 283           purchase  13 5.389495e-04
## 284                put  13 5.389495e-04
## 285             reason  13 5.389495e-04
## 286        recommended  13 5.389495e-04
## 287         responsive  13 5.389495e-04
## 288                  s  13 5.389495e-04
## 289               seat  13 5.389495e-04
## 290             simple  13 5.389495e-04
## 291               site  13 5.389495e-04
## 292             though  13 5.389495e-04
## 293               used  13 5.389495e-04
## 294               wish  13 5.389495e-04
## 295              agent  12 4.974918e-04
## 296              based  12 4.974918e-04
## 297             before  12 4.974918e-04
## 298            certain  12 4.974918e-04
## 299          companies  12 4.974918e-04
## 300                did  12 4.974918e-04
## 301         experience  12 4.974918e-04
## 302           flexible  12 4.974918e-04
## 303               hard  12 4.974918e-04
## 304               look  12 4.974918e-04
## 305            looking  12 4.974918e-04
## 306                may  12 4.974918e-04
## 307                per  12 4.974918e-04
## 308       professional  12 4.974918e-04
## 309           received  12 4.974918e-04
## 310             season  12 4.974918e-04
## 311            selling  12 4.974918e-04
## 312          technical  12 4.974918e-04
## 313            theater  12 4.974918e-04
## 314             access  11 4.560342e-04
## 315            account  11 4.560342e-04
## 316              along  11 4.560342e-04
## 317             cannot  11 4.560342e-04
## 318            clients  11 4.560342e-04
## 319               done  11 4.560342e-04
## 320                end  11 4.560342e-04
## 321          fantastic  11 4.560342e-04
## 322                fee  11 4.560342e-04
## 323               feel  11 4.560342e-04
## 324             follow  11 4.560342e-04
## 325          inability  11 4.560342e-04
## 326               ipad  11 4.560342e-04
## 327               less  11 4.560342e-04
## 328               mail  11 4.560342e-04
## 329           navigate  11 4.560342e-04
## 330                non  11 4.560342e-04
## 331            nothing  11 4.560342e-04
## 332             orders  11 4.560342e-04
## 333             single  11 4.560342e-04
## 334              track  11 4.560342e-04
## 335           tracking  11 4.560342e-04
## 336             worked  11 4.560342e-04
## 337                  3  10 4.145765e-04
## 338       capabilities  10 4.145765e-04
## 339               care  10 4.145765e-04
## 340           computer  10 4.145765e-04
## 341               ever  10 4.145765e-04
## 342               fact  10 4.145765e-04
## 343              fixed  10 4.145765e-04
## 344              found  10 4.145765e-04
## 345              given  10 4.145765e-04
## 346             handle  10 4.145765e-04
## 347           packages  10 4.145765e-04
## 348            receive  10 4.145765e-04
## 349          satisfied  10 4.145765e-04
## 350                say  10 4.145765e-04
## 351              seats  10 4.145765e-04
## 352               seem  10 4.145765e-04
## 353               such  10 4.145765e-04
## 354              thank  10 4.145765e-04
## 355               tool  10 4.145765e-04
## 356              tools  10 4.145765e-04
## 357            updates  10 4.145765e-04
## 358               ways  10 4.145765e-04
## 359          wonderful  10 4.145765e-04
## 360                  4   9 3.731189e-04
## 361              again   9 3.731189e-04
## 362            amazing   9 3.731189e-04
## 363           anything   9 3.731189e-04
## 364             around   9 3.731189e-04
## 365             client   9 3.731189e-04
## 366             create   9 3.731189e-04
## 367        development   9 3.731189e-04
## 368             fairly   9 3.731189e-04
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## 372                i'd   9 3.731189e-04
## 373          important   9 3.731189e-04
## 374            instead   9 3.731189e-04
## 375                its   9 3.731189e-04
## 376             mobile   9 3.731189e-04
## 377              money   9 3.731189e-04
## 378               name   9 3.731189e-04
## 379                off   9 3.731189e-04
## 380      organizations   9 3.731189e-04
## 381            pricing   9 3.731189e-04
## 382              print   9 3.731189e-04
## 383         processing   9 3.731189e-04
## 384          purchases   9 3.731189e-04
## 385           requests   9 3.731189e-04
## 386                run   9 3.731189e-04
## 387               said   9 3.731189e-04
## 388               sale   9 3.731189e-04
## 389            setting   9 3.731189e-04
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## 391               slow   9 3.731189e-04
## 392               sold   9 3.731189e-04
## 393          something   9 3.731189e-04
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## 396                 25   8 3.316612e-04
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## 398                ago   8 3.316612e-04
## 399            already   8 3.316612e-04
## 400            another   8 3.316612e-04
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## 402              areas   8 3.316612e-04
## 403              basic   8 3.316612e-04
## 404         constantly   8 3.316612e-04
## 405        convenience   8 3.316612e-04
## 406                crm   8 3.316612e-04
## 407               date   8 3.316612e-04
## 408             didn't   8 3.316612e-04
## 409                due   8 3.316612e-04
## 410             enough   8 3.316612e-04
## 411           everyone   8 3.316612e-04
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## 414            haven't   8 3.316612e-04
## 415             longer   8 3.316612e-04
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## 419             mostly   8 3.316612e-04
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## 422                own   8 3.316612e-04
## 423               past   8 3.316612e-04
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## 426                 re   8 3.316612e-04
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## 428            renewal   8 3.316612e-04
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## 432               sure   8 3.316612e-04
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## 441                why   8 3.316612e-04
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## 462               info   7 2.902036e-04
## 463              isn't   7 2.902036e-04
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## 465           learning   7 2.902036e-04
## 466              level   7 2.902036e-04
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## 473              might   7 2.902036e-04
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## 475                old   7 2.902036e-04
## 476             please   7 2.902036e-04
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## 488              these   7 2.902036e-04
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## 490            trouble   7 2.902036e-04
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## 493           updating   7 2.902036e-04
## 494             within   7 2.902036e-04
## 495                  5   6 2.487459e-04
## 496                  8   6 2.487459e-04
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## 512          customize   6 2.487459e-04
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## 521              means   6 2.487459e-04
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## 523             member   6 2.487459e-04
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## 541               sent   6 2.487459e-04
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## 547             that's   6 2.487459e-04
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## 556                  6   5 2.072883e-04
## 557                  7   5 2.072883e-04
## 558                  9   5 2.072883e-04
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## 561           actually   5 2.072883e-04
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## 563            android   5 2.072883e-04
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## 566               area   5 2.072883e-04
## 567             aren't   5 2.072883e-04
## 568                ask   5 2.072883e-04
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## 571           benefits   5 2.072883e-04
## 572             budget   5 2.072883e-04
## 573               bugs   5 2.072883e-04
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## 576                buy   5 2.072883e-04
## 577           canadian   5 2.072883e-04
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## 580            charges   5 2.072883e-04
## 581              cloud   5 2.072883e-04
## 582           compared   5 2.072883e-04
## 583          confusing   5 2.072883e-04
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## 586           designed   5 2.072883e-04
## 587               down   5 2.072883e-04
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## 590          efficient   5 2.072883e-04
## 591               else   5 2.072883e-04
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## 593               felt   5 2.072883e-04
## 594            finally   5 2.072883e-04
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## 596            general   5 2.072883e-04
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## 603                let   5 2.072883e-04
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## 609           numerous   5 2.072883e-04
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## 611          otherwise   5 2.072883e-04
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## 613               page   5 2.072883e-04
## 614                pay   5 2.072883e-04
## 615            payment   5 2.072883e-04
## 616               plus   5 2.072883e-04
## 617               poor   5 2.072883e-04
## 618          potential   5 2.072883e-04
## 619    professionalism   5 2.072883e-04
## 620           promised   5 2.072883e-04
## 621             rather   5 2.072883e-04
## 622              reach   5 2.072883e-04
## 623           recently   5 2.072883e-04
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## 626       relationship   5 2.072883e-04
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## 628              right   5 2.072883e-04
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## 632           separate   5 2.072883e-04
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## 636          solutions   5 2.072883e-04
## 637               sort   5 2.072883e-04
## 638              start   5 2.072883e-04
## 639            started   5 2.072883e-04
## 640          structure   5 2.072883e-04
## 641      subscriptions   5 2.072883e-04
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## 645           theatres   5 2.072883e-04
## 646            thought   5 2.072883e-04
## 647                top   5 2.072883e-04
## 648                try   5 2.072883e-04
## 649             unable   5 2.072883e-04
## 650              under   5 2.072883e-04
## 651          usability   5 2.072883e-04
## 652            usually   5 2.072883e-04
## 653             vendor   5 2.072883e-04
## 654           accounts   4 1.658306e-04
## 655           accurate   4 1.658306e-04
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## 658             afford   4 1.658306e-04
## 659            amounts   4 1.658306e-04
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## 661         attractive   4 1.658306e-04
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## 663               away   4 1.658306e-04
## 664            between   4 1.658306e-04
## 665             bigger   4 1.658306e-04
## 666             blasts   4 1.658306e-04
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## 668              calls   4 1.658306e-04
## 669          certainly   4 1.658306e-04
## 670              check   4 1.658306e-04
## 671              class   4 1.658306e-04
## 672              clear   4 1.658306e-04
## 673             clunky   4 1.658306e-04
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## 675         colleagues   4 1.658306e-04
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## 679          complaint   4 1.658306e-04
## 680           complete   4 1.658306e-04
## 681         completely   4 1.658306e-04
## 682        complicated   4 1.658306e-04
## 683      comprehensive   4 1.658306e-04
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## 685          corrected   4 1.658306e-04
## 686         cumbersome   4 1.658306e-04
## 687            current   4 1.658306e-04
## 688             custom   4 1.658306e-04
## 689         definitely   4 1.658306e-04
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## 691       disappointed   4 1.658306e-04
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## 697              fixes   4 1.658306e-04
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## 699           followed   4 1.658306e-04
## 700               four   4 1.658306e-04
## 701             giving   4 1.658306e-04
## 702              group   4 1.658306e-04
## 703             groups   4 1.658306e-04
## 704               hear   4 1.658306e-04
## 705             helped   4 1.658306e-04
## 706               here   4 1.658306e-04
## 707            ignored   4 1.658306e-04
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## 709        improvement   4 1.658306e-04
## 710          increased   4 1.658306e-04
## 711            initial   4 1.658306e-04
## 712         integrated   4 1.658306e-04
## 713             itself   4 1.658306e-04
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## 715               kind   4 1.658306e-04
## 716            lacking   4 1.658306e-04
## 717              large   4 1.658306e-04
## 718             listen   4 1.658306e-04
## 719              lists   4 1.658306e-04
## 720           manually   4 1.658306e-04
## 721            message   4 1.658306e-04
## 722                met   4 1.658306e-04
## 723            monthly   4 1.658306e-04
## 724             nearly   4 1.658306e-04
## 725                nor   4 1.658306e-04
## 726                 ok   4 1.658306e-04
## 727               once   4 1.658306e-04
## 728         operations   4 1.658306e-04
## 729               ours   4 1.658306e-04
## 730              pages   4 1.658306e-04
## 731               part   4 1.658306e-04
## 732           patron's   4 1.658306e-04
## 733         percentage   4 1.658306e-04
## 734       performances   4 1.658306e-04
## 735             pricey   4 1.658306e-04
## 736           products   4 1.658306e-04
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## 738           promises   4 1.658306e-04
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## 741         purchasing   4 1.658306e-04
## 742             quirks   4 1.658306e-04
## 743              quite   4 1.658306e-04
## 744               rate   4 1.658306e-04
## 745          regarding   4 1.658306e-04
## 746                rep   4 1.658306e-04
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## 748             return   4 1.658306e-04
## 749             saying   4 1.658306e-04
## 750             second   4 1.658306e-04
## 751            section   4 1.658306e-04
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## 755            showing   4 1.658306e-04
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## 757           slightly   4 1.658306e-04
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## 760            special   4 1.658306e-04
## 761       specifically   4 1.658306e-04
## 762           starting   4 1.658306e-04
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## 764            staying   4 1.658306e-04
## 765           students   4 1.658306e-04
## 766       subscription   4 1.658306e-04
## 767            success   4 1.658306e-04
## 768               talk   4 1.658306e-04
## 769               took   4 1.658306e-04
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## 771              tried   4 1.658306e-04
## 772              types   4 1.658306e-04
## 773            unhappy   4 1.658306e-04
## 774              until   4 1.658306e-04
## 775            utilize   4 1.658306e-04
## 776           valuable   4 1.658306e-04
## 777              value   4 1.658306e-04
## 778              venue   4 1.658306e-04
## 779               wait   4 1.658306e-04
## 780              wants   4 1.658306e-04
## 781              wrong   4 1.658306e-04
## 782                  0   3 1.243730e-04
## 783               2012   3 1.243730e-04
## 784                 24   3 1.243730e-04
## 785                 30   3 1.243730e-04
## 786                 33   3 1.243730e-04
## 787          abilities   3 1.243730e-04
## 788             actual   3 1.243730e-04
## 789              added   3 1.243730e-04
## 790             adding   3 1.243730e-04
## 791           addition   3 1.243730e-04
## 792          addressed   3 1.243730e-04
## 793             adults   3 1.243730e-04
## 794            advance   3 1.243730e-04
## 795          advantage   3 1.243730e-04
## 796         affordable   3 1.243730e-04
## 797             agents   3 1.243730e-04
## 798            allowed   3 1.243730e-04
## 799             allows   3 1.243730e-04
## 800           analysis   3 1.243730e-04
## 801             anyone   3 1.243730e-04
## 802           anywhere   3 1.243730e-04
## 803            appears   3 1.243730e-04
## 804              apple   3 1.243730e-04
## 805        application   3 1.243730e-04
## 806              apply   3 1.243730e-04
## 807            arounds   3 1.243730e-04
## 808               arts   3 1.243730e-04
## 809               bank   3 1.243730e-04
## 810             become   3 1.243730e-04
## 811            billing   3 1.243730e-04
## 812             breaks   3 1.243730e-04
## 813                bug   3 1.243730e-04
## 814              buggy   3 1.243730e-04
## 815              build   3 1.243730e-04
## 816            buttons   3 1.243730e-04
## 817             buyers   3 1.243730e-04
## 818             buying   3 1.243730e-04
## 819            calling   3 1.243730e-04
## 820            changed   3 1.243730e-04
## 821              chart   3 1.243730e-04
## 822               chip   3 1.243730e-04
## 823             choice   3 1.243730e-04
## 824            clearly   3 1.243730e-04
## 825          colleague   3 1.243730e-04
## 826            college   3 1.243730e-04
## 827           combined   3 1.243730e-04
## 828             coming   3 1.243730e-04
## 829     communications   3 1.243730e-04
## 830            compare   3 1.243730e-04
## 831          component   3 1.243730e-04
## 832         components   3 1.243730e-04
## 833            concern   3 1.243730e-04
## 834       confirmation   3 1.243730e-04
## 835           consider   3 1.243730e-04
## 836          continues   3 1.243730e-04
## 837         convenient   3 1.243730e-04
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## 839          correctly   3 1.243730e-04
## 840              costs   3 1.243730e-04
## 841           creating   3 1.243730e-04
## 842           creation   3 1.243730e-04
## 843           critical   3 1.243730e-04
## 844              curve   3 1.243730e-04
## 845              daily   3 1.243730e-04
## 846                 de   3 1.243730e-04
## 847            dealing   3 1.243730e-04
## 848             delete   3 1.243730e-04
## 849          depending   3 1.243730e-04
## 850               desk   3 1.243730e-04
## 851            despite   3 1.243730e-04
## 852           detailed   3 1.243730e-04
## 853             direct   3 1.243730e-04
## 854          discounts   3 1.243730e-04
## 855          displayed   3 1.243730e-04
## 856              doing   3 1.243730e-04
## 857             dottie   3 1.243730e-04
## 858        engineering   3 1.243730e-04
## 859            english   3 1.243730e-04
## 860       enhancements   3 1.243730e-04
## 861          equipment   3 1.243730e-04
## 862             errors   3 1.243730e-04
## 863            exactly   3 1.243730e-04
## 864           exchange   3 1.243730e-04
## 865          exchanges   3 1.243730e-04
## 866              fault   3 1.243730e-04
## 867              feels   3 1.243730e-04
## 868           festival   3 1.243730e-04
## 869             fields   3 1.243730e-04
## 870             figure   3 1.243730e-04
## 871            flagged   3 1.243730e-04
## 872            florida   3 1.243730e-04
## 873          following   3 1.243730e-04
## 874           followup   3 1.243730e-04
## 875               form   3 1.243730e-04
## 876             format   3 1.243730e-04
## 877              front   3 1.243730e-04
## 878         frustrated   3 1.243730e-04
## 879        fundraising   3 1.243730e-04
## 880            further   3 1.243730e-04
## 881             future   3 1.243730e-04
## 882                 gc   3 1.243730e-04
## 883               gets   3 1.243730e-04
## 884            glitchy   3 1.243730e-04
## 885               goes   3 1.243730e-04
## 886             google   3 1.243730e-04
## 887             growth   3 1.243730e-04
## 888                 he   3 1.243730e-04
## 889             highly   3 1.243730e-04
## 890               hope   3 1.243730e-04
## 891              house   3 1.243730e-04
## 892               huge   3 1.243730e-04
## 893           hundreds   3 1.243730e-04
## 894          improving   3 1.243730e-04
## 895         inaccurate   3 1.243730e-04
## 896       inconsistent   3 1.243730e-04
## 897         increasing   3 1.243730e-04
## 898          integrate   3 1.243730e-04
## 899           internet   3 1.243730e-04
## 900              james   3 1.243730e-04
## 901               judy   3 1.243730e-04
## 902            keeping   3 1.243730e-04
## 903                key   3 1.243730e-04
## 904          knowledge   3 1.243730e-04
## 905              knows   3 1.243730e-04
## 906              later   3 1.243730e-04
## 907              least   3 1.243730e-04
## 908               left   3 1.243730e-04
## 909            letters   3 1.243730e-04
## 910               life   3 1.243730e-04
## 911             likely   3 1.243730e-04
## 912         limitation   3 1.243730e-04
## 913              lines   3 1.243730e-04
## 914              links   3 1.243730e-04
## 915              login   3 1.243730e-04
## 916               lost   3 1.243730e-04
## 917                low   3 1.243730e-04
## 918         manipulate   3 1.243730e-04
## 919             manner   3 1.243730e-04
## 920               maps   3 1.243730e-04
## 921            missing   3 1.243730e-04
## 922             module   3 1.243730e-04
## 923             monies   3 1.243730e-04
## 924              month   3 1.243730e-04
## 925                mrs   3 1.243730e-04
## 926             museum   3 1.243730e-04
## 927              notch   3 1.243730e-04
## 928       occasionally   3 1.243730e-04
## 929          operating   3 1.243730e-04
## 930           ordering   3 1.243730e-04
## 931          organized   3 1.243730e-04
## 932            outside   3 1.243730e-04
## 933          ownership   3 1.243730e-04
## 934             passes   3 1.243730e-04
## 935             paying   3 1.243730e-04
## 936          platforms   3 1.243730e-04
## 937            portion   3 1.243730e-04
## 938       presentation   3 1.243730e-04
## 939              press   3 1.243730e-04
## 940           previous   3 1.243730e-04
## 941             prices   3 1.243730e-04
## 942            printed   3 1.243730e-04
## 943           printing   3 1.243730e-04
## 944          processes   3 1.243730e-04
## 945        programming   3 1.243730e-04
## 946             prompt   3 1.243730e-04
## 947              ready   3 1.243730e-04
## 948         recognized   3 1.243730e-04
## 949       recommending   3 1.243730e-04
## 950             redeem   3 1.243730e-04
## 951            regards   3 1.243730e-04
## 952            related   3 1.243730e-04
## 953            remains   3 1.243730e-04
## 954     representative   3 1.243730e-04
## 955            request   3 1.243730e-04
## 956            require   3 1.243730e-04
## 957           required   3 1.243730e-04
## 958       reservations   3 1.243730e-04
## 959         resolution   3 1.243730e-04
## 960          resources   3 1.243730e-04
## 961     responsiveness   3 1.243730e-04
## 962          retention   3 1.243730e-04
## 963            revenue   3 1.243730e-04
## 964               road   3 1.243730e-04
## 965                ron   3 1.243730e-04
## 966              round   3 1.243730e-04
## 967              scale   3 1.243730e-04
## 968           scanners   3 1.243730e-04
## 969           sections   3 1.243730e-04
## 970          selecting   3 1.243730e-04
## 971            seniors   3 1.243730e-04
## 972              sense   3 1.243730e-04
## 973        significant   3 1.243730e-04
## 974              solve   3 1.243730e-04
## 975               spot   3 1.243730e-04
## 976              steps   3 1.243730e-04
## 977              store   3 1.243730e-04
## 978    straightforward   3 1.243730e-04
## 979             strong   3 1.243730e-04
## 980            student   3 1.243730e-04
## 981        subscribers   3 1.243730e-04
## 982              super   3 1.243730e-04
## 983             switch   3 1.243730e-04
## 984           symphony   3 1.243730e-04
## 985              taken   3 1.243730e-04
## 986              tasks   3 1.243730e-04
## 987              teach   3 1.243730e-04
## 988      technological   3 1.243730e-04
## 989            tedious   3 1.243730e-04
## 990           terrific   3 1.243730e-04
## 991               text   3 1.243730e-04
## 992           theaters   3 1.243730e-04
## 993          therefore   3 1.243730e-04
## 994              today   3 1.243730e-04
## 995           together   3 1.243730e-04
## 996       transactions   3 1.243730e-04
## 997              tries   3 1.243730e-04
## 998             trying   3 1.243730e-04
## 999              twice   3 1.243730e-04
## 1000                ui   3 1.243730e-04
## 1001        ultimately   3 1.243730e-04
## 1002            unless   3 1.243730e-04
## 1003           useless   3 1.243730e-04
## 1004           various   3 1.243730e-04
## 1005           vendini   3 1.243730e-04
## 1006           vendors   3 1.243730e-04
## 1007       versatility   3 1.243730e-04
## 1008             video   3 1.243730e-04
## 1009              view   3 1.243730e-04
## 1010        volunteers   3 1.243730e-04
## 1011                vs   3 1.243730e-04
## 1012             weeks   3 1.243730e-04
## 1013           weren't   3 1.243730e-04
## 1014           willing   3 1.243730e-04
## 1015            window   3 1.243730e-04
## 1016           windows   3 1.243730e-04
## 1017             worry   3 1.243730e-04
## 1018          wouldn't   3 1.243730e-04
## 1019            writer   3 1.243730e-04
## 1020            you're   3 1.243730e-04
## 1021                15   2 8.291530e-05
## 1022               200   2 8.291530e-05
## 1023              2011   2 8.291530e-05
## 1024              2016   2 8.291530e-05
## 1025     accessibility   2 8.291530e-05
## 1026        accessible   2 8.291530e-05
## 1027       accommodate   2 8.291530e-05
## 1028            action   2 8.291530e-05
## 1029      additionally   2 8.291530e-05
## 1030        addressing   2 8.291530e-05
## 1031          adequate   2 8.291530e-05
## 1032        administer   2 8.291530e-05
## 1033          advanced   2 8.291530e-05
## 1034          advances   2 8.291530e-05
## 1035               aid   2 8.291530e-05
## 1036            almost   2 8.291530e-05
## 1037          annoying   2 8.291530e-05
## 1038          answered   2 8.291530e-05
## 1039           archaic   2 8.291530e-05
## 1040             armed   2 8.291530e-05
## 1041      arrangements   2 8.291530e-05
## 1042             asked   2 8.291530e-05
## 1043            asking   2 8.291530e-05
## 1044            aspect   2 8.291530e-05
## 1045            assist   2 8.291530e-05
## 1046        associated   2 8.291530e-05
## 1047         attempted   2 8.291530e-05
## 1048        attendance   2 8.291530e-05
## 1049         automatic   2 8.291530e-05
## 1050     automatically   2 8.291530e-05
## 1051               bad   2 8.291530e-05
## 1052           balance   2 8.291530e-05
## 1053               bar   2 8.291530e-05
## 1054         basically   2 8.291530e-05
## 1055             basis   2 8.291530e-05
## 1056            basket   2 8.291530e-05
## 1057            became   2 8.291530e-05
## 1058         beginning   2 8.291530e-05
## 1059            behalf   2 8.291530e-05
## 1060            behind   2 8.291530e-05
## 1061           believe   2 8.291530e-05
## 1062             below   2 8.291530e-05
## 1063           benefit   2 8.291530e-05
## 1064               big   2 8.291530e-05
## 1065           biggest   2 8.291530e-05
## 1066              boca   2 8.291530e-05
## 1067              book   2 8.291530e-05
## 1068           botched   2 8.291530e-05
## 1069            breach   2 8.291530e-05
## 1070             bring   2 8.291530e-05
## 1071            brings   2 8.291530e-05
## 1072            broken   2 8.291530e-05
## 1073          browsers   2 8.291530e-05
## 1074           builder   2 8.291530e-05
## 1075             built   2 8.291530e-05
## 1076             bunch   2 8.291530e-05
## 1077             buyer   2 8.291530e-05
## 1078          cableone   2 8.291530e-05
## 1079              came   2 8.291530e-05
## 1080              case   2 8.291530e-05
## 1081            caused   2 8.291530e-05
## 1082           central   2 8.291530e-05
## 1083        challenged   2 8.291530e-05
## 1084       challenging   2 8.291530e-05
## 1085          changing   2 8.291530e-05
## 1086            charts   2 8.291530e-05
## 1087           cheaper   2 8.291530e-05
## 1088          cheyenne   2 8.291530e-05
## 1089          choosing   2 8.291530e-05
## 1090             close   2 8.291530e-05
## 1091             coast   2 8.291530e-05
## 1092           collect   2 8.291530e-05
## 1093         collected   2 8.291530e-05
## 1094            colors   2 8.291530e-05
## 1095       combination   2 8.291530e-05
## 1096           combine   2 8.291530e-05
## 1097             comes   2 8.291530e-05
## 1098       comfortable   2 8.291530e-05
## 1099            common   2 8.291530e-05
## 1100     communicating   2 8.291530e-05
## 1101        comparable   2 8.291530e-05
## 1102         competent   2 8.291530e-05
## 1103       competitive   2 8.291530e-05
## 1104         completed   2 8.291530e-05
## 1105           complex   2 8.291530e-05
## 1106       compromised   2 8.291530e-05
## 1107         concerned   2 8.291530e-05
## 1108           concise   2 8.291530e-05
## 1109        considered   2 8.291530e-05
## 1110      consistently   2 8.291530e-05
## 1111         consuming   2 8.291530e-05
## 1112         contacted   2 8.291530e-05
## 1113         continued   2 8.291530e-05
## 1114      conversation   2 8.291530e-05
## 1115          costumer   2 8.291530e-05
## 1116          couldn't   2 8.291530e-05
## 1117            couple   2 8.291530e-05
## 1118         courteous   2 8.291530e-05
## 1119      customizable   2 8.291530e-05
## 1120        customized   2 8.291530e-05
## 1121          declined   2 8.291530e-05
## 1122             delay   2 8.291530e-05
## 1123          deleting   2 8.291530e-05
## 1124      demographics   2 8.291530e-05
## 1125       departments   2 8.291530e-05
## 1126            depend   2 8.291530e-05
## 1127        dependable   2 8.291530e-05
## 1128           depends   2 8.291530e-05
## 1129           desktop   2 8.291530e-05
## 1130           develop   2 8.291530e-05
## 1131            device   2 8.291530e-05
## 1132          directly   2 8.291530e-05
## 1133          director   2 8.291530e-05
## 1134         directors   2 8.291530e-05
## 1135     disappointing   2 8.291530e-05
## 1136         documents   2 8.291530e-05
## 1137              door   2 8.291530e-05
## 1138           dropped   2 8.291530e-05
## 1139           dynamic   2 8.291530e-05
## 1140             eager   2 8.291530e-05
## 1141           easiest   2 8.291530e-05
## 1142              edit   2 8.291530e-05
## 1143           editing   2 8.291530e-05
## 1144            effort   2 8.291530e-05
## 1145           efforts   2 8.291530e-05
## 1146            either   2 8.291530e-05
## 1147         elsewhere   2 8.291530e-05
## 1148           emailed   2 8.291530e-05
## 1149          emailing   2 8.291530e-05
## 1150             enjoy   2 8.291530e-05
## 1151             entry   2 8.291530e-05
## 1152            escape   2 8.291530e-05
## 1153           evening   2 8.291530e-05
## 1154        eventbrite   2 8.291530e-05
## 1155             exist   2 8.291530e-05
## 1156           expense   2 8.291530e-05
## 1157         exploring   2 8.291530e-05
## 1158          exported   2 8.291530e-05
## 1159             extra   2 8.291530e-05
## 1160           extract   2 8.291530e-05
## 1161          fabulous   2 8.291530e-05
## 1162        facilitate   2 8.291530e-05
## 1163           failure   2 8.291530e-05
## 1164              fair   2 8.291530e-05
## 1165              fall   2 8.291530e-05
## 1166          familiar   2 8.291530e-05
## 1167            faster   2 8.291530e-05
## 1168          feedback   2 8.291530e-05
## 1169         festivals   2 8.291530e-05
## 1170             files   2 8.291530e-05
## 1171           finding   2 8.291530e-05
## 1172              fine   2 8.291530e-05
## 1173             flash   2 8.291530e-05
## 1174            flawed   2 8.291530e-05
## 1175             flaws   2 8.291530e-05
## 1176           focused   2 8.291530e-05
## 1177            forced   2 8.291530e-05
## 1178            forces   2 8.291530e-05
## 1179        formatting   2 8.291530e-05
## 1180        frequently   2 8.291530e-05
## 1181            friend   2 8.291530e-05
## 1182           friends   2 8.291530e-05
## 1183        functional   2 8.291530e-05
## 1184        generation   2 8.291530e-05
## 1185              gift   2 8.291530e-05
## 1186              gone   2 8.291530e-05
## 1187          graphics   2 8.291530e-05
## 1188           greater   2 8.291530e-05
## 1189              grow   2 8.291530e-05
## 1190             guest   2 8.291530e-05
## 1191           handled   2 8.291530e-05
## 1192          happened   2 8.291530e-05
## 1193          hardware   2 8.291530e-05
## 1194             heard   2 8.291530e-05
## 1195           helping   2 8.291530e-05
## 1196               her   2 8.291530e-05
## 1197           holders   2 8.291530e-05
## 1198             holds   2 8.291530e-05
## 1199              home   2 8.291530e-05
## 1200            hunter   2 8.291530e-05
## 1201           husband   2 8.291530e-05
## 1202               i.e   2 8.291530e-05
## 1203             ideal   2 8.291530e-05
## 1204        identified   2 8.291530e-05
## 1205            images   2 8.291530e-05
## 1206       immediately   2 8.291530e-05
## 1207          impacted   2 8.291530e-05
## 1208         implement   2 8.291530e-05
## 1209    implementation   2 8.291530e-05
## 1210      implementing   2 8.291530e-05
## 1211        impossible   2 8.291530e-05
## 1212        impression   2 8.291530e-05
## 1213      inconvenient   2 8.291530e-05
## 1214          increase   2 8.291530e-05
## 1215        innovation   2 8.291530e-05
## 1216             input   2 8.291530e-05
## 1217         inquiries   2 8.291530e-05
## 1218          instance   2 8.291530e-05
## 1219      integrations   2 8.291530e-05
## 1220         integrity   2 8.291530e-05
## 1221          interact   2 8.291530e-05
## 1222        interested   2 8.291530e-05
## 1223        interfaces   2 8.291530e-05
## 1224         inventory   2 8.291530e-05
## 1225       investigate   2 8.291530e-05
## 1226               jar   2 8.291530e-05
## 1227             kicks   2 8.291530e-05
## 1228              kids   2 8.291530e-05
## 1229     knowledgeable   2 8.291530e-05
## 1230                 l   2 8.291530e-05
## 1231         laborious   2 8.291530e-05
## 1232             lacks   2 8.291530e-05
## 1233             legal   2 8.291530e-05
## 1234            letter   2 8.291530e-05
## 1235              live   2 8.291530e-05
## 1236              load   2 8.291530e-05
## 1237           loading   2 8.291530e-05
## 1238         locations   2 8.291530e-05
## 1239             looks   2 8.291530e-05
## 1240             lower   2 8.291530e-05
## 1241            lowest   2 8.291530e-05
## 1242         mailchimp   2 8.291530e-05
## 1243           mailing   2 8.291530e-05
## 1244          mailings   2 8.291530e-05
## 1245             mails   2 8.291530e-05
## 1246            mainly   2 8.291530e-05
## 1247          majority   2 8.291530e-05
## 1248          managing   2 8.291530e-05
## 1249            manual   2 8.291530e-05
## 1250              mary   2 8.291530e-05
## 1251              mass   2 8.291530e-05
## 1252             match   2 8.291530e-05
## 1253             maybe   2 8.291530e-05
## 1254              meet   2 8.291530e-05
## 1255            middle   2 8.291530e-05
## 1256           minutes   2 8.291530e-05
## 1257           monitor   2 8.291530e-05
## 1258              move   2 8.291530e-05
## 1259            moving   2 8.291530e-05
## 1260                mr   2 8.291530e-05
## 1261            myself   2 8.291530e-05
## 1262                 n   2 8.291530e-05
## 1263             names   2 8.291530e-05
## 1264            nature   2 8.291530e-05
## 1265           needing   2 8.291530e-05
## 1266               net   2 8.291530e-05
## 1267        newsletter   2 8.291530e-05
## 1268             night   2 8.291530e-05
## 1269         nightmare   2 8.291530e-05
## 1270         obviously   2 8.291530e-05
## 1271          oddities   2 8.291530e-05
## 1272           offices   2 8.291530e-05
## 1273                oh   2 8.291530e-05
## 1274             older   2 8.291530e-05
## 1275              ones   2 8.291530e-05
## 1276              onto   2 8.291530e-05
## 1277              open   2 8.291530e-05
## 1278          operator   2 8.291530e-05
## 1279           opinion   2 8.291530e-05
## 1280    organizational   2 8.291530e-05
## 1281              orgs   2 8.291530e-05
## 1282                os   2 8.291530e-05
## 1283            output   2 8.291530e-05
## 1284              pace   2 8.291530e-05
## 1285         packaging   2 8.291530e-05
## 1286        particular   2 8.291530e-05
## 1287      particularly   2 8.291530e-05
## 1288          payments   2 8.291530e-05
## 1289                pc   2 8.291530e-05
## 1290           pending   2 8.291530e-05
## 1291           perform   2 8.291530e-05
## 1292           perhaps   2 8.291530e-05
## 1293         permanent   2 8.291530e-05
## 1294           phoenix   2 8.291530e-05
## 1295              plan   2 8.291530e-05
## 1296              play   2 8.291530e-05
## 1297           players   2 8.291530e-05
## 1298         political   2 8.291530e-05
## 1299          possible   2 8.291530e-05
## 1300              post   2 8.291530e-05
## 1301           posting   2 8.291530e-05
## 1302            prefer   2 8.291530e-05
## 1303           present   2 8.291530e-05
## 1304         presently   2 8.291530e-05
## 1305            priced   2 8.291530e-05
## 1306         primarily   2 8.291530e-05
## 1307             prior   2 8.291530e-05
## 1308          priority   2 8.291530e-05
## 1309          probably   2 8.291530e-05
## 1310       problematic   2 8.291530e-05
## 1311        procedures   2 8.291530e-05
## 1312         processor   2 8.291530e-05
## 1313        production   2 8.291530e-05
## 1314       productions   2 8.291530e-05
## 1315      productivity   2 8.291530e-05
## 1316       prohibitive   2 8.291530e-05
## 1317           promote   2 8.291530e-05
## 1318          properly   2 8.291530e-05
## 1319         providers   2 8.291530e-05
## 1320         providing   2 8.291530e-05
## 1321           pulling   2 8.291530e-05
## 1322           purpose   2 8.291530e-05
## 1323              push   2 8.291530e-05
## 1324             range   2 8.291530e-05
## 1325            rarely   2 8.291530e-05
## 1326            rating   2 8.291530e-05
## 1327            reader   2 8.291530e-05
## 1328           realize   2 8.291530e-05
## 1329          realized   2 8.291530e-05
## 1330        reasonably   2 8.291530e-05
## 1331    recommendation   2 8.291530e-05
## 1332         reconcile   2 8.291530e-05
## 1333       reconciling   2 8.291530e-05
## 1334           reflect   2 8.291530e-05
## 1335           refunds   2 8.291530e-05
## 1336          register   2 8.291530e-05
## 1337         regularly   2 8.291530e-05
## 1338     relationships   2 8.291530e-05
## 1339        relatively   2 8.291530e-05
## 1340          released   2 8.291530e-05
## 1341            remedy   2 8.291530e-05
## 1342             renew   2 8.291530e-05
## 1343          renewals   2 8.291530e-05
## 1344          repeated   2 8.291530e-05
## 1345           replies   2 8.291530e-05
## 1346          reported   2 8.291530e-05
## 1347              reps   2 8.291530e-05
## 1348           resolve   2 8.291530e-05
## 1349          resource   2 8.291530e-05
## 1350          respects   2 8.291530e-05
## 1351         resulting   2 8.291530e-05
## 1352           results   2 8.291530e-05
## 1353              rich   2 8.291530e-05
## 1354             rocks   2 8.291530e-05
## 1355              room   2 8.291530e-05
## 1356              rude   2 8.291530e-05
## 1357        salutation   2 8.291530e-05
## 1358           scanned   2 8.291530e-05
## 1359           scanner   2 8.291530e-05
## 1360          schedule   2 8.291530e-05
## 1361             scope   2 8.291530e-05
## 1362          seamless   2 8.291530e-05
## 1363           seasons   2 8.291530e-05
## 1364            secure   2 8.291530e-05
## 1365         seemingly   2 8.291530e-05
## 1366          selected   2 8.291530e-05
## 1367              self   2 8.291530e-05
## 1368           sending   2 8.291530e-05
## 1369           serious   2 8.291530e-05
## 1370          sessions   2 8.291530e-05
## 1371              sets   2 8.291530e-05
## 1372              sign   2 8.291530e-05
## 1373     significantly   2 8.291530e-05
## 1374           similar   2 8.291530e-05
## 1375               six   2 8.291530e-05
## 1376          specific   2 8.291530e-05
## 1377             spend   2 8.291530e-05
## 1378            stable   2 8.291530e-05
## 1379          standard   2 8.291530e-05
## 1380           stating   2 8.291530e-05
## 1381            status   2 8.291530e-05
## 1382              stop   2 8.291530e-05
## 1383          strongly   2 8.291530e-05
## 1384            submit   2 8.291530e-05
## 1385        subscriber   2 8.291530e-05
## 1386            summer   2 8.291530e-05
## 1387            superb   2 8.291530e-05
## 1388          supposed   2 8.291530e-05
## 1389            survey   2 8.291530e-05
## 1390             swipe   2 8.291530e-05
## 1391                 t   2 8.291530e-05
## 1392            taking   2 8.291530e-05
## 1393            talked   2 8.291530e-05
## 1394         templates   2 8.291530e-05
## 1395               ten   2 8.291530e-05
## 1396              tend   2 8.291530e-05
## 1397           they're   2 8.291530e-05
## 1398             third   2 8.291530e-05
## 1399              thus   2 8.291530e-05
## 1400        ticketline   2 8.291530e-05
## 1401               tie   2 8.291530e-05
## 1402              tiny   2 8.291530e-05
## 1403               tip   2 8.291530e-05
## 1404               tix   2 8.291530e-05
## 1405             total   2 8.291530e-05
## 1406             train   2 8.291530e-05
## 1407         treasurer   2 8.291530e-05
## 1408             truly   2 8.291530e-05
## 1409          turnover   2 8.291530e-05
## 1410    understandable   2 8.291530e-05
## 1411        uninformed   2 8.291530e-05
## 1412        university   2 8.291530e-05
## 1413       unnecessary   2 8.291530e-05
## 1414        unresolved   2 8.291530e-05
## 1415       unsubscribe   2 8.291530e-05
## 1416           upgrade   2 8.291530e-05
## 1417            upload   2 8.291530e-05
## 1418             upset   2 8.291530e-05
## 1419            usable   2 8.291530e-05
## 1420              uses   2 8.291530e-05
## 1421               uso   2 8.291530e-05
## 1422           variety   2 8.291530e-05
## 1423           vending   2 8.291530e-05
## 1424           version   2 8.291530e-05
## 1425             vital   2 8.291530e-05
## 1426           wanting   2 8.291530e-05
## 1427              weak   2 8.291530e-05
## 1428            weekly   2 8.291530e-05
## 1429              went   2 8.291530e-05
## 1430          whatever   2 8.291530e-05
## 1431          whenever   2 8.291530e-05
## 1432           whether   2 8.291530e-05
## 1433       willingness   2 8.291530e-05
## 1434            wishes   2 8.291530e-05
## 1435              word   2 8.291530e-05
## 1436       workarounds   2 8.291530e-05
## 1437           workers   2 8.291530e-05
## 1438             worth   2 8.291530e-05
## 1439           writing   2 8.291530e-05
## 1440               yes   2 8.291530e-05
## 1441              zero   2 8.291530e-05
## 1442            10,000   1 4.145765e-05
## 1443              1000   1 4.145765e-05
## 1444                11   1 4.145765e-05
## 1445                12   1 4.145765e-05
## 1446           12month   1 4.145765e-05
## 1447            133334   1 4.145765e-05
## 1448               135   1 4.145765e-05
## 1449                16   1 4.145765e-05
## 1450             19.00   1 4.145765e-05
## 1451                20   1 4.145765e-05
## 1452              2004   1 4.145765e-05
## 1453              2008   1 4.145765e-05
## 1454            200dpi   1 4.145765e-05
## 1455              2015   1 4.145765e-05
## 1456              2017   1 4.145765e-05
## 1457                21   1 4.145765e-05
## 1458             3,000   1 4.145765e-05
## 1459            30,000   1 4.145765e-05
## 1460         30percent   1 4.145765e-05
## 1461                35   1 4.145765e-05
## 1462                36   1 4.145765e-05
## 1463               360   1 4.145765e-05
## 1464              3915   1 4.145765e-05
## 1465               475   1 4.145765e-05
## 1466               4th   1 4.145765e-05
## 1467               503   1 4.145765e-05
## 1468               594   1 4.145765e-05
## 1469               600   1 4.145765e-05
## 1470                80   1 4.145765e-05
## 1471                90   1 4.145765e-05
## 1472                95   1 4.145765e-05
## 1473                99   1 4.145765e-05
## 1474               ___   1 4.145765e-05
## 1475           abillty   1 4.145765e-05
## 1476        acceptable   1 4.145765e-05
## 1477         accessing   1 4.145765e-05
## 1478     accommodating   1 4.145765e-05
## 1479      accomplished   1 4.145765e-05
## 1480        accountant   1 4.145765e-05
## 1481         accounted   1 4.145765e-05
## 1482          accuracy   1 4.145765e-05
## 1483        accustomed   1 4.145765e-05
## 1484       achievement   1 4.145765e-05
## 1485            across   1 4.145765e-05
## 1486        activating   1 4.145765e-05
## 1487          activity   1 4.145765e-05
## 1488                ad   1 4.145765e-05
## 1489            adjust   1 4.145765e-05
## 1490     adjustability   1 4.145765e-05
## 1491          adjusted   1 4.145765e-05
## 1492        adjustment   1 4.145765e-05
## 1493             admin   1 4.145765e-05
## 1494      administered   1 4.145765e-05
## 1495     administrator   1 4.145765e-05
## 1496         admission   1 4.145765e-05
## 1497             adore   1 4.145765e-05
## 1498        advertised   1 4.145765e-05
## 1499            advice   1 4.145765e-05
## 1500          affected   1 4.145765e-05
## 1501     affordability   1 4.145765e-05
## 1502               age   1 4.145765e-05
## 1503          agencies   1 4.145765e-05
## 1504         aggregate   1 4.145765e-05
## 1505         agreement   1 4.145765e-05
## 1506             ahead   1 4.145765e-05
## 1507             alert   1 4.145765e-05
## 1508           aligned   1 4.145765e-05
## 1509             alike   1 4.145765e-05
## 1510         alleviate   1 4.145765e-05
## 1511          allowing   1 4.145765e-05
## 1512              alot   1 4.145765e-05
## 1513      alphabetized   1 4.145765e-05
## 1514           altered   1 4.145765e-05
## 1515             among   1 4.145765e-05
## 1516         analytics   1 4.145765e-05
## 1517     announcements   1 4.145765e-05
## 1518         annoyance   1 4.145765e-05
## 1519            annual   1 4.145765e-05
## 1520         answering   1 4.145765e-05
## 1521               api   1 4.145765e-05
## 1522              apis   1 4.145765e-05
## 1523        apparently   1 4.145765e-05
## 1524            appear   1 4.145765e-05
## 1525         appearing   1 4.145765e-05
## 1526          applying   1 4.145765e-05
## 1527       appreciated   1 4.145765e-05
## 1528      appreciation   1 4.145765e-05
## 1529      appreciative   1 4.145765e-05
## 1530          approach   1 4.145765e-05
## 1531            approx   1 4.145765e-05
## 1532             arise   1 4.145765e-05
## 1533            arises   1 4.145765e-05
## 1534          arranged   1 4.145765e-05
## 1535         arranging   1 4.145765e-05
## 1536             array   1 4.145765e-05
## 1537           arrives   1 4.145765e-05
## 1538       ascertained   1 4.145765e-05
## 1539             aside   1 4.145765e-05
## 1540               ass   1 4.145765e-05
## 1541             asset   1 4.145765e-05
## 1542         assisting   1 4.145765e-05
## 1543           assured   1 4.145765e-05
## 1544        astounding   1 4.145765e-05
## 1545          aswering   1 4.145765e-05
## 1546        attempting   1 4.145765e-05
## 1547          attempts   1 4.145765e-05
## 1548            attend   1 4.145765e-05
## 1549         attending   1 4.145765e-05
## 1550         attention   1 4.145765e-05
## 1551         attentive   1 4.145765e-05
## 1552          attitude   1 4.145765e-05
## 1553         attitudes   1 4.145765e-05
## 1554         audiences   1 4.145765e-05
## 1555            august   1 4.145765e-05
## 1556         authorize   1 4.145765e-05
## 1557              auto   1 4.145765e-05
## 1558          automate   1 4.145765e-05
## 1559         automated   1 4.145765e-05
## 1560           average   1 4.145765e-05
## 1561          averrage   1 4.145765e-05
## 1562             aware   1 4.145765e-05
## 1563       awesomeness   1 4.145765e-05
## 1564             awful   1 4.145765e-05
## 1565           awkward   1 4.145765e-05
## 1566                 b   1 4.145765e-05
## 1567               b2b   1 4.145765e-05
## 1568           backend   1 4.145765e-05
## 1569             backs   1 4.145765e-05
## 1570             baker   1 4.145765e-05
## 1571            ballet   1 4.145765e-05
## 1572           banking   1 4.145765e-05
## 1573              bare   1 4.145765e-05
## 1574          baseball   1 4.145765e-05
## 1575             bases   1 4.145765e-05
## 1576            basics   1 4.145765e-05
## 1577             batch   1 4.145765e-05
## 1578         bathrooms   1 4.145765e-05
## 1579               bay   1 4.145765e-05
## 1580         beautiful   1 4.145765e-05
## 1581             began   1 4.145765e-05
## 1582            behave   1 4.145765e-05
## 1583             bells   1 4.145765e-05
## 1584             betsy   1 4.145765e-05
## 1585            beyond   1 4.145765e-05
## 1586            billed   1 4.145765e-05
## 1587         bizarrely   1 4.145765e-05
## 1588            blamed   1 4.145765e-05
## 1589             blank   1 4.145765e-05
## 1590             blend   1 4.145765e-05
## 1591           blocked   1 4.145765e-05
## 1592            blocks   1 4.145765e-05
## 1593              blog   1 4.145765e-05
## 1594             board   1 4.145765e-05
## 1595           boasted   1 4.145765e-05
## 1596             bocca   1 4.145765e-05
## 1597             bolts   1 4.145765e-05
## 1598             bones   1 4.145765e-05
## 1599       bookkeeping   1 4.145765e-05
## 1600          bothered   1 4.145765e-05
## 1601          bouncing   1 4.145765e-05
## 1602           breadth   1 4.145765e-05
## 1603        breakdowns   1 4.145765e-05
## 1604            breech   1 4.145765e-05
## 1605             brief   1 4.145765e-05
## 1606         brilliant   1 4.145765e-05
## 1607             broad   1 4.145765e-05
## 1608          broadway   1 4.145765e-05
## 1609           browser   1 4.145765e-05
## 1610    1 4.145765e-05
## 1611        bsctheatre   1 4.145765e-05
## 1612         bugginess   1 4.145765e-05
## 1613              bull   1 4.145765e-05
## 1614            bummer   1 4.145765e-05
## 1615        businesses   1 4.145765e-05
## 1616              buys   1 4.145765e-05
## 1617            bypass   1 4.145765e-05
## 1618                 c   1 4.145765e-05
## 1619         calculate   1 4.145765e-05
## 1620            called   1 4.145765e-05
## 1621           camel's   1 4.145765e-05
## 1622              camp   1 4.145765e-05
## 1623         campaigns   1 4.145765e-05
## 1624            camper   1 4.145765e-05
## 1625            campus   1 4.145765e-05
## 1626            canada   1 4.145765e-05
## 1627         cancelled   1 4.145765e-05
## 1628           careful   1 4.145765e-05
## 1629         carefully   1 4.145765e-05
## 1630            carmel   1 4.145765e-05
## 1631             cases   1 4.145765e-05
## 1632              cash   1 4.145765e-05
## 1633          cashiers   1 4.145765e-05
## 1634          category   1 4.145765e-05
## 1635             cause   1 4.145765e-05
## 1636            causes   1 4.145765e-05
## 1637           causing   1 4.145765e-05
## 1638           caution   1 4.145765e-05
## 1639           celeste   1 4.145765e-05
## 1640            center   1 4.145765e-05
## 1641           century   1 4.145765e-05
## 1642             chair   1 4.145765e-05
## 1643         challenge   1 4.145765e-05
## 1644        challenges   1 4.145765e-05
## 1645           chamber   1 4.145765e-05
## 1646            chance   1 4.145765e-05
## 1647        charitable   1 4.145765e-05
## 1648              chat   1 4.145765e-05
## 1649             cheap   1 4.145765e-05
## 1650          cheating   1 4.145765e-05
## 1651             chief   1 4.145765e-05
## 1652             chimp   1 4.145765e-05
## 1653            choose   1 4.145765e-05
## 1654           chooses   1 4.145765e-05
## 1655            chrome   1 4.145765e-05
## 1656              city   1 4.145765e-05
## 1657         clackamas   1 4.145765e-05
## 1658          claiming   1 4.145765e-05
## 1659           clarity   1 4.145765e-05
## 1660           classes   1 4.145765e-05
## 1661            clicks   1 4.145765e-05
## 1662         clientele   1 4.145765e-05
## 1663            clumsy   1 4.145765e-05
## 1664           clutter   1 4.145765e-05
## 1665          cohesive   1 4.145765e-05
## 1666        collecting   1 4.145765e-05
## 1667        collection   1 4.145765e-05
## 1668        commitment   1 4.145765e-05
## 1669         committed   1 4.145765e-05
## 1670       communicate   1 4.145765e-05
## 1671      communicated   1 4.145765e-05
## 1672              comp   1 4.145765e-05
## 1673         company's   1 4.145765e-05
## 1674         comparing   1 4.145765e-05
## 1675     compatibility   1 4.145765e-05
## 1676        compatible   1 4.145765e-05
## 1677           compete   1 4.145765e-05
## 1678       competition   1 4.145765e-05
## 1679       complacency   1 4.145765e-05
## 1680          complain   1 4.145765e-05
## 1681        complained   1 4.145765e-05
## 1682         complains   1 4.145765e-05
## 1683        complexity   1 4.145765e-05
## 1684        compliance   1 4.145765e-05
## 1685         compliant   1 4.145765e-05
## 1686         composing   1 4.145765e-05
## 1687 comprehensiveness   1 4.145765e-05
## 1688             comps   1 4.145765e-05
## 1689         computers   1 4.145765e-05
## 1690          concerts   1 4.145765e-05
## 1691         concludes   1 4.145765e-05
## 1692     condescending   1 4.145765e-05
## 1693           conduct   1 4.145765e-05
## 1694        conference   1 4.145765e-05
## 1695         confusion   1 4.145765e-05
## 1696           connect   1 4.145765e-05
## 1697    connectibility   1 4.145765e-05
## 1698        connecting   1 4.145765e-05
## 1699       connections   1 4.145765e-05
## 1700      connectivity   1 4.145765e-05
## 1701     conscientious   1 4.145765e-05
## 1702         conscious   1 4.145765e-05
## 1703       consecutive   1 4.145765e-05
## 1704      conservative   1 4.145765e-05
## 1705     consideration   1 4.145765e-05
## 1706       consistency   1 4.145765e-05
## 1707   constantcontact   1 4.145765e-05
## 1708          consumer   1 4.145765e-05
## 1709        contacting   1 4.145765e-05
## 1710          contacts   1 4.145765e-05
## 1711           contain   1 4.145765e-05
## 1712        continuing   1 4.145765e-05
## 1713        continuous   1 4.145765e-05
## 1714      continuously   1 4.145765e-05
## 1715        contradict   1 4.145765e-05
## 1716              conv   1 4.145765e-05
## 1717        convoluted   1 4.145765e-05
## 1718           cookies   1 4.145765e-05
## 1719              copy   1 4.145765e-05
## 1720         corporate   1 4.145765e-05
## 1721       corporation   1 4.145765e-05
## 1722           costing   1 4.145765e-05
## 1723         costumers   1 4.145765e-05
## 1724           coupons   1 4.145765e-05
## 1725             cover   1 4.145765e-05
## 1726            covers   1 4.145765e-05
## 1727            cracks   1 4.145765e-05
## 1728              crap   1 4.145765e-05
## 1729             crash   1 4.145765e-05
## 1730             crazy   1 4.145765e-05
## 1731           creates   1 4.145765e-05
## 1732         crippling   1 4.145765e-05
## 1733             crude   1 4.145765e-05
## 1734         currently   1 4.145765e-05
## 1735         custermer   1 4.145765e-05
## 1736        customer's   1 4.145765e-05
## 1737              cuts   1 4.145765e-05
## 1738           cutting   1 4.145765e-05
## 1739             dance   1 4.145765e-05
## 1740              dare   1 4.145765e-05
## 1741         dashboard   1 4.145765e-05
## 1742         databases   1 4.145765e-05
## 1743             datas   1 4.145765e-05
## 1744             dated   1 4.145765e-05
## 1745             dates   1 4.145765e-05
## 1746              days   1 4.145765e-05
## 1747                dc   1 4.145765e-05
## 1748           debited   1 4.145765e-05
## 1749            decent   1 4.145765e-05
## 1750           decided   1 4.145765e-05
## 1751          decision   1 4.145765e-05
## 1752          decrease   1 4.145765e-05
## 1753          deducted   1 4.145765e-05
## 1754         deduction   1 4.145765e-05
## 1755           default   1 4.145765e-05
## 1756      deficiencies   1 4.145765e-05
## 1757            delays   1 4.145765e-05
## 1758           deliver   1 4.145765e-05
## 1759          delivers   1 4.145765e-05
## 1760           demands   1 4.145765e-05
## 1761       demographic   1 4.145765e-05
## 1762             demos   1 4.145765e-05
## 1763        department   1 4.145765e-05
## 1764     dependability   1 4.145765e-05
## 1765          deposits   1 4.145765e-05
## 1766       description   1 4.145765e-05
## 1767         designing   1 4.145765e-05
## 1768           desired   1 4.145765e-05
## 1769          desktops   1 4.145765e-05
## 1770           details   1 4.145765e-05
## 1771       determining   1 4.145765e-05
## 1772         developed   1 4.145765e-05
## 1773        deviations   1 4.145765e-05
## 1774           devices   1 4.145765e-05
## 1775             diane   1 4.145765e-05
## 1776      difficulties   1 4.145765e-05
## 1777         digitizes   1 4.145765e-05
## 1778            dinged   1 4.145765e-05
## 1779           dinners   1 4.145765e-05
## 1780         direction   1 4.145765e-05
## 1781       disappeared   1 4.145765e-05
## 1782      disbursement   1 4.145765e-05
## 1783       discounting   1 4.145765e-05
## 1784          discover   1 4.145765e-05
## 1785           discuss   1 4.145765e-05
## 1786           disdain   1 4.145765e-05
## 1787         disengage   1 4.145765e-05
## 1788          dislikes   1 4.145765e-05
## 1789       distinguish   1 4.145765e-05
## 1790            divide   1 4.145765e-05
## 1791               diy   1 4.145765e-05
## 1792               doc   1 4.145765e-05
## 1793        documented   1 4.145765e-05
## 1794            dollar   1 4.145765e-05
## 1795           donates   1 4.145765e-05
## 1796             doors   1 4.145765e-05
## 1797           dosen't   1 4.145765e-05
## 1798            dotted   1 4.145765e-05
## 1799            double   1 4.145765e-05
## 1800          downhill   1 4.145765e-05
## 1801       downloading   1 4.145765e-05
## 1802         downright   1 4.145765e-05
## 1803          downside   1 4.145765e-05
## 1804               dpi   1 4.145765e-05
## 1805                dr   1 4.145765e-05
## 1806          drawback   1 4.145765e-05
## 1807             drops   1 4.145765e-05
## 1808               dup   1 4.145765e-05
## 1809         duplicate   1 4.145765e-05
## 1810        duplicates   1 4.145765e-05
## 1811       duplicating   1 4.145765e-05
## 1812        duplicator   1 4.145765e-05
## 1813       dynamically   1 4.145765e-05
## 1814           earlier   1 4.145765e-05
## 1815             early   1 4.145765e-05
## 1816           earmark   1 4.145765e-05
## 1817              east   1 4.145765e-05
## 1818            eblast   1 4.145765e-05
## 1819           eblasts   1 4.145765e-05
## 1820            editor   1 4.145765e-05
## 1821             edits   1 4.145765e-05
## 1822         education   1 4.145765e-05
## 1823       efficiently   1 4.145765e-05
## 1824                eg   1 4.145765e-05
## 1825              eggs   1 4.145765e-05
## 1826             eight   1 4.145765e-05
## 1827           elderly   1 4.145765e-05
## 1828           elegant   1 4.145765e-05
## 1829          elements   1 4.145765e-05
## 1830            eleven   1 4.145765e-05
## 1831        eliminates   1 4.145765e-05
## 1832       elimination   1 4.145765e-05
## 1833         ellington   1 4.145765e-05
## 1834            else's   1 4.145765e-05
## 1835             embed   1 4.145765e-05
## 1836          embedded   1 4.145765e-05
## 1837         emergency   1 4.145765e-05
## 1838        empathetic   1 4.145765e-05
## 1839         employees   1 4.145765e-05
## 1840             empty   1 4.145765e-05
## 1841                en   1 4.145765e-05
## 1842         encounter   1 4.145765e-05
## 1843       encountered   1 4.145765e-05
## 1844         encourage   1 4.145765e-05
## 1845         encrypted   1 4.145765e-05
## 1846             ended   1 4.145765e-05
## 1847           endless   1 4.145765e-05
## 1848              ends   1 4.145765e-05
## 1849            energy   1 4.145765e-05
## 1850            enroll   1 4.145765e-05
## 1851            ensure   1 4.145765e-05
## 1852          entering   1 4.145765e-05
## 1853     entertainment   1 4.145765e-05
## 1854            entire   1 4.145765e-05
## 1855           entries   1 4.145765e-05
## 1856   environmentally   1 4.145765e-05
## 1857          episodic   1 4.145765e-05
## 1858           equally   1 4.145765e-05
## 1859         escalated   1 4.145765e-05
## 1860              esps   1 4.145765e-05
## 1861         establish   1 4.145765e-05
## 1862         everytime   1 4.145765e-05
## 1863            evolve   1 4.145765e-05
## 1864          evolving   1 4.145765e-05
## 1865             exact   1 4.145765e-05
## 1866          examples   1 4.145765e-05
## 1867           exceeds   1 4.145765e-05
## 1868           excited   1 4.145765e-05
## 1869          excludes   1 4.145765e-05
## 1870        execullent   1 4.145765e-05
## 1871            exists   1 4.145765e-05
## 1872          exoenses   1 4.145765e-05
## 1873        exorbitant   1 4.145765e-05
## 1874            expand   1 4.145765e-05
## 1875      expectations   1 4.145765e-05
## 1876       experienced   1 4.145765e-05
## 1877       experiences   1 4.145765e-05
## 1878      experiencing   1 4.145765e-05
## 1879        expiration   1 4.145765e-05
## 1880       explanation   1 4.145765e-05
## 1881       explanatory   1 4.145765e-05
## 1882           explore   1 4.145765e-05
## 1883          explorer   1 4.145765e-05
## 1884            export   1 4.145765e-05
## 1885        exportable   1 4.145765e-05
## 1886           exports   1 4.145765e-05
## 1887            extend   1 4.145765e-05
## 1888            extras   1 4.145765e-05
## 1889           extreme   1 4.145765e-05
## 1890               fab   1 4.145765e-05
## 1891              face   1 4.145765e-05
## 1892          facebook   1 4.145765e-05
## 1893             faced   1 4.145765e-05
## 1894          facility   1 4.145765e-05
## 1895              fade   1 4.145765e-05
## 1896           falling   1 4.145765e-05
## 1897             falls   1 4.145765e-05
## 1898       familiarity   1 4.145765e-05
## 1899          families   1 4.145765e-05
## 1900              fans   1 4.145765e-05
## 1901         fashioned   1 4.145765e-05
## 1902            faults   1 4.145765e-05
## 1903          favorite   1 4.145765e-05
## 1904              feed   1 4.145765e-05
## 1905           feeling   1 4.145765e-05
## 1906              fell   1 4.145765e-05
## 1907             fewer   1 4.145765e-05
## 1908             field   1 4.145765e-05
## 1909          figuring   1 4.145765e-05
## 1910            filled   1 4.145765e-05
## 1911             fills   1 4.145765e-05
## 1912              film   1 4.145765e-05
## 1913           filters   1 4.145765e-05
## 1914             final   1 4.145765e-05
## 1915        financials   1 4.145765e-05
## 1916        fingertips   1 4.145765e-05
## 1917          finicial   1 4.145765e-05
## 1918         finishing   1 4.145765e-05
## 1919              fish   1 4.145765e-05
## 1920              five   1 4.145765e-05
## 1921              flat   1 4.145765e-05
## 1922              flex   1 4.145765e-05
## 1923        floorplans   1 4.145765e-05
## 1924        fluctuates   1 4.145765e-05
## 1925          focusing   1 4.145765e-05
## 1926             folks   1 4.145765e-05
## 1927           follows   1 4.145765e-05
## 1928             fonts   1 4.145765e-05
## 1929             force   1 4.145765e-05
## 1930           forcing   1 4.145765e-05
## 1931         forgotten   1 4.145765e-05
## 1932           formats   1 4.145765e-05
## 1933             forms   1 4.145765e-05
## 1934             forte   1 4.145765e-05
## 1935           frankly   1 4.145765e-05
## 1936            freeze   1 4.145765e-05
## 1937           freezes   1 4.145765e-05
## 1938          freezing   1 4.145765e-05
## 1939          frequent   1 4.145765e-05
## 1940             fresh   1 4.145765e-05
## 1941      friendliness   1 4.145765e-05
## 1942               fro   1 4.145765e-05
## 1943             froze   1 4.145765e-05
## 1944       frustration   1 4.145765e-05
## 1945             fully   1 4.145765e-05
## 1946               fun   1 4.145765e-05
## 1947   functionalities   1 4.145765e-05
## 1948             funds   1 4.145765e-05
## 1949              gain   1 4.145765e-05
## 1950              gaps   1 4.145765e-05
## 1951           gateway   1 4.145765e-05
## 1952              gave   1 4.145765e-05
## 1953          generate   1 4.145765e-05
## 1954         generated   1 4.145765e-05
## 1955        generating   1 4.145765e-05
## 1956           genuine   1 4.145765e-05
## 1957            gibson   1 4.145765e-05
## 1958             gifts   1 4.145765e-05
## 1959             gives   1 4.145765e-05
## 1960              glad   1 4.145765e-05
## 1961         gladstone   1 4.145765e-05
## 1962            glitch   1 4.145765e-05
## 1963           greatly   1 4.145765e-05
## 1964             green   1 4.145765e-05
## 1965            greyed   1 4.145765e-05
## 1966             grrat   1 4.145765e-05
## 1967             guess   1 4.145765e-05
## 1968            guests   1 4.145765e-05
## 1969          guidance   1 4.145765e-05
## 1970             guild   1 4.145765e-05
## 1971            hacked   1 4.145765e-05
## 1972              half   1 4.145765e-05
## 1973              halt   1 4.145765e-05
## 1974              hand   1 4.145765e-05
## 1975           handful   1 4.145765e-05
## 1976          handicap   1 4.145765e-05
## 1977           handles   1 4.145765e-05
## 1978          handling   1 4.145765e-05
## 1979         happening   1 4.145765e-05
## 1980           happily   1 4.145765e-05
## 1981            hasn't   1 4.145765e-05
## 1982              hate   1 4.145765e-05
## 1983          haunting   1 4.145765e-05
## 1984             hears   1 4.145765e-05
## 1985           hearted   1 4.145765e-05
## 1986             heavy   1 4.145765e-05
## 1987              held   1 4.145765e-05
## 1988       helpfulness   1 4.145765e-05
## 1989                hi   1 4.145765e-05
## 1990              hide   1 4.145765e-05
## 1991               him   1 4.145765e-05
## 1992        historical   1 4.145765e-05
## 1993               hit   1 4.145765e-05
## 1994           hitches   1 4.145765e-05
## 1995            holder   1 4.145765e-05
## 1996           holiday   1 4.145765e-05
## 1997          honoring   1 4.145765e-05
## 1998            hoping   1 4.145765e-05
## 1999          horrible   1 4.145765e-05
## 2000            hosted   1 4.145765e-05
## 2001             hosts   1 4.145765e-05
## 2002              hour   1 4.145765e-05
## 2003              html   1 4.145765e-05
## 2004             html5   1 4.145765e-05
## 2005              hunt   1 4.145765e-05
## 2006           hurdles   1 4.145765e-05
## 2007              hurt   1 4.145765e-05
## 2008              i'll   1 4.145765e-05
## 2009               ice   1 4.145765e-05
## 2010                id   1 4.145765e-05
## 2011             id've   1 4.145765e-05
## 2012              idea   1 4.145765e-05
## 2013             ideas   1 4.145765e-05
## 2014      identifiable   1 4.145765e-05
## 2015        identifier   1 4.145765e-05
## 2016          identify   1 4.145765e-05
## 2017    idiosyncrasies   1 4.145765e-05
## 2018                ie   1 4.145765e-05
## 2019              iffy   1 4.145765e-05
## 2020          ignoring   1 4.145765e-05
## 2021             image   1 4.145765e-05
## 2022           imagine   1 4.145765e-05
## 2023         immediacy   1 4.145765e-05
## 2024         immediate   1 4.145765e-05
## 2025           impacts   1 4.145765e-05
## 2026            import   1 4.145765e-05
## 2027       importantly   1 4.145765e-05
## 2028         impressed   1 4.145765e-05
## 2029        impressive   1 4.145765e-05
## 2030      inadequacies   1 4.145765e-05
## 2031     inappropriate   1 4.145765e-05
## 2032           include   1 4.145765e-05
## 2033          included   1 4.145765e-05
## 2034         inclusive   1 4.145765e-05
## 2035    inconsistently   1 4.145765e-05
## 2036     inconvenience   1 4.145765e-05
## 2037      increasingly   1 4.145765e-05
## 2038        incredibly   1 4.145765e-05
## 2039       individuals   1 4.145765e-05
## 2040          industry   1 4.145765e-05
## 2041       inexpensive   1 4.145765e-05
## 2042      inexperience   1 4.145765e-05
## 2043          inherent   1 4.145765e-05
## 2044          inhibits   1 4.145765e-05
## 2045          initiate   1 4.145765e-05
## 2046            injury   1 4.145765e-05
## 2047       inopportune   1 4.145765e-05
## 2048          inquires   1 4.145765e-05
## 2049           insight   1 4.145765e-05
## 2050     insignificant   1 4.145765e-05
## 2051         insisting   1 4.145765e-05
## 2052           inspire   1 4.145765e-05
## 2053          inspired   1 4.145765e-05
## 2054         instances   1 4.145765e-05
## 2055            insult   1 4.145765e-05
## 2056         insurance   1 4.145765e-05
## 2057            insure   1 4.145765e-05
## 2058           intened   1 4.145765e-05
## 2059         intention   1 4.145765e-05
## 2060       interaction   1 4.145765e-05
## 2061          interest   1 4.145765e-05
## 2062      internalized   1 4.145765e-05
## 2063       inticketing   1 4.145765e-05
## 2064        introduced   1 4.145765e-05
## 2065         intuative   1 4.145765e-05
## 2066        intuiative   1 4.145765e-05
## 2067         inundated   1 4.145765e-05
## 2068           invalid   1 4.145765e-05
## 2069            invest   1 4.145765e-05
## 2070          invested   1 4.145765e-05
## 2071           invoice   1 4.145765e-05
## 2072          invoices   1 4.145765e-05
## 2073         invoicing   1 4.145765e-05
## 2074               ios   1 4.145765e-05
## 2075            iphone   1 4.145765e-05
## 2076              ipod   1 4.145765e-05
## 2077             ipods   1 4.145765e-05
## 2078              jobs   1 4.145765e-05
## 2079               joe   1 4.145765e-05
## 2080              joke   1 4.145765e-05
## 2081               jon   1 4.145765e-05
## 2082              jpeg   1 4.145765e-05
## 2083                jr   1 4.145765e-05
## 2084              july   1 4.145765e-05
## 2085              jump   1 4.145765e-05
## 2086              june   1 4.145765e-05
## 2087           kenneth   1 4.145765e-05
## 2088             kinks   1 4.145765e-05
## 2089            kludgy   1 4.145765e-05
## 2090      knowledgable   1 4.145765e-05
## 2091             known   1 4.145765e-05
## 2092            labels   1 4.145765e-05
## 2093               lag   1 4.145765e-05
## 2094         laminated   1 4.145765e-05
## 2095           laptops   1 4.145765e-05
## 2096            larger   1 4.145765e-05
## 2097             largo   1 4.145765e-05
## 2098            launch   1 4.145765e-05
## 2099            layout   1 4.145765e-05
## 2100           layouts   1 4.145765e-05
## 2101              lead   1 4.145765e-05
## 2102           leading   1 4.145765e-05
## 2103             leads   1 4.145765e-05
## 2104              leap   1 4.145765e-05
## 2105             leave   1 4.145765e-05
## 2106            legend   1 4.145765e-05
## 2107           lengthy   1 4.145765e-05
## 2108              lets   1 4.145765e-05
## 2109            levels   1 4.145765e-05
## 2110         liability   1 4.145765e-05
## 2111         lifesaver   1 4.145765e-05
## 2112               lik   1 4.145765e-05
## 2113             liked   1 4.145765e-05
## 2114        likelihood   1 4.145765e-05
## 2115           listens   1 4.145765e-05
## 2116           listing   1 4.145765e-05
## 2117             local   1 4.145765e-05
## 2118           locally   1 4.145765e-05
## 2119          location   1 4.145765e-05
## 2120          logistic   1 4.145765e-05
## 2121            looked   1 4.145765e-05
## 2122             loved   1 4.145765e-05
## 2123             loves   1 4.145765e-05
## 2124              luck   1 4.145765e-05
## 2125             magic   1 4.145765e-05
## 2126          magnetic   1 4.145765e-05
## 2127          maintain   1 4.145765e-05
## 2128       maintenance   1 4.145765e-05
## 2129          maneuver   1 4.145765e-05
## 2130               map   1 4.145765e-05
## 2131           markets   1 4.145765e-05
## 2132          matching   1 4.145765e-05
## 2133            matter   1 4.145765e-05
## 2134              mean   1 4.145765e-05
## 2135           meaning   1 4.145765e-05
## 2136         mechanism   1 4.145765e-05
## 2137            medium   1 4.145765e-05
## 2138           meeting   1 4.145765e-05
## 2139            menial   1 4.145765e-05
## 2140         mentioned   1 4.145765e-05
## 2141              menu   1 4.145765e-05
## 2142       merchandise   1 4.145765e-05
## 2143             merge   1 4.145765e-05
## 2144          messages   1 4.145765e-05
## 2145           michael   1 4.145765e-05
## 2146         migration   1 4.145765e-05
## 2147            mildly   1 4.145765e-05
## 2148        millennial   1 4.145765e-05
## 2149            millie   1 4.145765e-05
## 2150               min   1 4.145765e-05
## 2151              mind   1 4.145765e-05
## 2152          mindless   1 4.145765e-05
## 2153             minor   1 4.145765e-05
## 2154            minute   1 4.145765e-05
## 2155            mirage   1 4.145765e-05
## 2156              misc   1 4.145765e-05
## 2157              miss   1 4.145765e-05
## 2158            missed   1 4.145765e-05
## 2159               mix   1 4.145765e-05
## 2160              mode   1 4.145765e-05
## 2161            modern   1 4.145765e-05
## 2162     modifications   1 4.145765e-05
## 2163            modify   1 4.145765e-05
## 2164        monetarily   1 4.145765e-05
## 2165           money's   1 4.145765e-05
## 2166        monitoring   1 4.145765e-05
## 2167           morning   1 4.145765e-05
## 2168             moved   1 4.145765e-05
## 2169          movement   1 4.145765e-05
## 2170             movie   1 4.145765e-05
## 2171                ms   1 4.145765e-05
## 2172         multitude   1 4.145765e-05
## 2173             music   1 4.145765e-05
## 2174              must   1 4.145765e-05
## 2175            muster   1 4.145765e-05
## 2176        navigating   1 4.145765e-05
## 2177              near   1 4.145765e-05
## 2178           negates   1 4.145765e-05
## 2179          negative   1 4.145765e-05
## 2180           network   1 4.145765e-05
## 2181           neutral   1 4.145765e-05
## 2182         newcomers   1 4.145765e-05
## 2183             newer   1 4.145765e-05
## 2184              next   1 4.145765e-05
## 2185            nights   1 4.145765e-05
## 2186              nine   1 4.145765e-05
## 2187          nineties   1 4.145765e-05
## 2188            nobody   1 4.145765e-05
## 2189              none   1 4.145765e-05
## 2190         nonprofit   1 4.145765e-05
## 2191           notably   1 4.145765e-05
## 2192         notations   1 4.145765e-05
## 2193              note   1 4.145765e-05
## 2194             noted   1 4.145765e-05
## 2195           notices   1 4.145765e-05
## 2196     notifications   1 4.145765e-05
## 2197          notified   1 4.145765e-05
## 2198            notify   1 4.145765e-05
## 2199              nuts   1 4.145765e-05
## 2200                 o   1 4.145765e-05
## 2201           obvious   1 4.145765e-05
## 2202          occasion   1 4.145765e-05
## 2203        occasional   1 4.145765e-05
## 2204          occurred   1 4.145765e-05
## 2205         occurring   1 4.145765e-05
## 2206           october   1 4.145765e-05
## 2207          offering   1 4.145765e-05
## 2208         offerings   1 4.145765e-05
## 2209           officer   1 4.145765e-05
## 2210           offline   1 4.145765e-05
## 2211           ongoing   1 4.145765e-05
## 2212               ons   1 4.145765e-05
## 2213            onsale   1 4.145765e-05
## 2214              onus   1 4.145765e-05
## 2215               ook   1 4.145765e-05
## 2216             opens   1 4.145765e-05
## 2217             opera   1 4.145765e-05
## 2218           operate   1 4.145765e-05
## 2219       operational   1 4.145765e-05
## 2220       opportunity   1 4.145765e-05
## 2221          opposite   1 4.145765e-05
## 2222         orchestra   1 4.145765e-05
## 2223           order's   1 4.145765e-05
## 2224               org   1 4.145765e-05
## 2225             org's   1 4.145765e-05
## 2226          oriented   1 4.145765e-05
## 2227        originally   1 4.145765e-05
## 2228         ourselves   1 4.145765e-05
## 2229          outdated   1 4.145765e-05
## 2230          outgoing   1 4.145765e-05
## 2231            outlay   1 4.145765e-05
## 2232        overcharge   1 4.145765e-05
## 2233          overhaul   1 4.145765e-05
## 2234            overly   1 4.145765e-05
## 2235       overpayment   1 4.145765e-05
## 2236          override   1 4.145765e-05
## 2237        oversights   1 4.145765e-05
## 2238          overview   1 4.145765e-05
## 2239       overwhelmed   1 4.145765e-05
## 2240      overwhelming   1 4.145765e-05
## 2241            owners   1 4.145765e-05
## 2242              paid   1 4.145765e-05
## 2243              pain   1 4.145765e-05
## 2244          painless   1 4.145765e-05
## 2245             pains   1 4.145765e-05
## 2246              pair   1 4.145765e-05
## 2247            paired   1 4.145765e-05
## 2248          pandelis   1 4.145765e-05
## 2249               par   1 4.145765e-05
## 2250         paragraph   1 4.145765e-05
## 2251        paralyzing   1 4.145765e-05
## 2252       partnership   1 4.145765e-05
## 2253             parts   1 4.145765e-05
## 2254              pass   1 4.145765e-05
## 2255          passable   1 4.145765e-05
## 2256             paste   1 4.145765e-05
## 2257             patch   1 4.145765e-05
## 2258           patient   1 4.145765e-05
## 2259               pcs   1 4.145765e-05
## 2260           pennies   1 4.145765e-05
## 2261         perceived   1 4.145765e-05
## 2262         perfectly   1 4.145765e-05
## 2263        performing   1 4.145765e-05
## 2264          performs   1 4.145765e-05
## 2265       permissions   1 4.145765e-05
## 2266        personable   1 4.145765e-05
## 2267      personalized   1 4.145765e-05
## 2268        personally   1 4.145765e-05
## 2269         personnel   1 4.145765e-05
## 2270      peterborough   1 4.145765e-05
## 2271        phenomenal   1 4.145765e-05
## 2272        philosophy   1 4.145765e-05
## 2273            phones   1 4.145765e-05
## 2274             photo   1 4.145765e-05
## 2275          physical   1 4.145765e-05
## 2276          pictures   1 4.145765e-05
## 2277             piece   1 4.145765e-05
## 2278              pile   1 4.145765e-05
## 2279                pj   1 4.145765e-05
## 2280            placed   1 4.145765e-05
## 2281       placeholder   1 4.145765e-05
## 2282            places   1 4.145765e-05
## 2283             plain   1 4.145765e-05
## 2284           planned   1 4.145765e-05
## 2285          planning   1 4.145765e-05
## 2286             plans   1 4.145765e-05
## 2287            player   1 4.145765e-05
## 2288         playhouse   1 4.145765e-05
## 2289             plays   1 4.145765e-05
## 2290          pleasant   1 4.145765e-05
## 2291           pleased   1 4.145765e-05
## 2292            pledge   1 4.145765e-05
## 2293          policies   1 4.145765e-05
## 2294            popped   1 4.145765e-05
## 2295          portrays   1 4.145765e-05
## 2296          position   1 4.145765e-05
## 2297         positions   1 4.145765e-05
## 2298            postal   1 4.145765e-05
## 2299         practical   1 4.145765e-05
## 2300       practically   1 4.145765e-05
## 2301         practices   1 4.145765e-05
## 2302               pre   1 4.145765e-05
## 2303          premiere   1 4.145765e-05
## 2304           prepaid   1 4.145765e-05
## 2305          prepared   1 4.145765e-05
## 2306         presented   1 4.145765e-05
## 2307        presenters   1 4.145765e-05
## 2308         president   1 4.145765e-05
## 2309           prevent   1 4.145765e-05
## 2310        preventing   1 4.145765e-05
## 2311           preview   1 4.145765e-05
## 2312         priceless   1 4.145765e-05
## 2313           primary   1 4.145765e-05
## 2314         principle   1 4.145765e-05
## 2315           printer   1 4.145765e-05
## 2316           privacy   1 4.145765e-05
## 2317         processed   1 4.145765e-05
## 2318          produced   1 4.145765e-05
## 2319        profitable   1 4.145765e-05
## 2320        programmer   1 4.145765e-05
## 2321          progress   1 4.145765e-05
## 2322          projects   1 4.145765e-05
## 2323           promise   1 4.145765e-05
## 2324          promoted   1 4.145765e-05
## 2325         promoting   1 4.145765e-05
## 2326          prospect   1 4.145765e-05
## 2327        prosperous   1 4.145765e-05
## 2328            proves   1 4.145765e-05
## 2329          provider   1 4.145765e-05
## 2330            public   1 4.145765e-05
## 2331        publishing   1 4.145765e-05
## 2332             pulls   1 4.145765e-05
## 2333       purcentages   1 4.145765e-05
## 2334         purchaser   1 4.145765e-05
## 2335        purchasers   1 4.145765e-05
## 2336          pushback   1 4.145765e-05
## 2337           putting   1 4.145765e-05
## 2338                 q   1 4.145765e-05
## 2339               que   1 4.145765e-05
## 2340           queries   1 4.145765e-05
## 2341             query   1 4.145765e-05
## 2342           quicker   1 4.145765e-05
## 2343         quickness   1 4.145765e-05
## 2344              rain   1 4.145765e-05
## 2345            raised   1 4.145765e-05
## 2346            rancho   1 4.145765e-05
## 2347            random   1 4.145765e-05
## 2348              rank   1 4.145765e-05
## 2349             rapid   1 4.145765e-05
## 2350           rapidly   1 4.145765e-05
## 2351              rare   1 4.145765e-05
## 2352             rated   1 4.145765e-05
## 2353             rates   1 4.145765e-05
## 2354          reaching   1 4.145765e-05
## 2355          reaction   1 4.145765e-05
## 2356              read   1 4.145765e-05
## 2357           readers   1 4.145765e-05
## 2358           readily   1 4.145765e-05
## 2359             reads   1 4.145765e-05
## 2360          reason's   1 4.145765e-05
## 2361         receiving   1 4.145765e-05
## 2362          recharge   1 4.145765e-05
## 2363        recognizes   1 4.145765e-05
## 2364    reconciliation   1 4.145765e-05
## 2365   reconcilliation   1 4.145765e-05
## 2366          recorded   1 4.145765e-05
## 2367           recruit   1 4.145765e-05
## 2368               red   1 4.145765e-05
## 2369         redeeming   1 4.145765e-05
## 2370         redundant   1 4.145765e-05
## 2371        refreshing   1 4.145765e-05
## 2372            refund   1 4.145765e-05
## 2373      registration   1 4.145765e-05
## 2374       regretfully   1 4.145765e-05
## 2375         reinstall   1 4.145765e-05
## 2376         reiterate   1 4.145765e-05
## 2377          relating   1 4.145765e-05
## 2378          relative   1 4.145765e-05
## 2379           release   1 4.145765e-05
## 2380          reliance   1 4.145765e-05
## 2381         reluctant   1 4.145765e-05
## 2382              rely   1 4.145765e-05
## 2383          remained   1 4.145765e-05
## 2384         remaining   1 4.145765e-05
## 2385         remembers   1 4.145765e-05
## 2386          remotely   1 4.145765e-05
## 2387            remove   1 4.145765e-05
## 2388     renegotiating   1 4.145765e-05
## 2389           renewed   1 4.145765e-05
## 2390          renewing   1 4.145765e-05
## 2391            renews   1 4.145765e-05
## 2392            rental   1 4.145765e-05
## 2393            rented   1 4.145765e-05
## 2394            renter   1 4.145765e-05
## 2395        reoccuring   1 4.145765e-05
## 2396        repeatedly   1 4.145765e-05
## 2397         replaying   1 4.145765e-05
## 2398             reply   1 4.145765e-05
## 2399   representatives   1 4.145765e-05
## 2400        represents   1 4.145765e-05
## 2401           reprint   1 4.145765e-05
## 2402        requesting   1 4.145765e-05
## 2403      requirements   1 4.145765e-05
## 2404       reservation   1 4.145765e-05
## 2405             reset   1 4.145765e-05
## 2406          resizing   1 4.145765e-05
## 2407       resolutions   1 4.145765e-05
## 2408           respect   1 4.145765e-05
## 2409         responded   1 4.145765e-05
## 2410        restricted   1 4.145765e-05
## 2411      restrictions   1 4.145765e-05
## 2412         retrieval   1 4.145765e-05
## 2413          retrieve   1 4.145765e-05
## 2414         returning   1 4.145765e-05
## 2415          revamped   1 4.145765e-05
## 2416            rework   1 4.145765e-05
## 2417               rfp   1 4.145765e-05
## 2418            ripped   1 4.145765e-05
## 2419              rock   1 4.145765e-05
## 2420              roll   1 4.145765e-05
## 2421              roof   1 4.145765e-05
## 2422             rooms   1 4.145765e-05
## 2423            routed   1 4.145765e-05
## 2424         royalties   1 4.145765e-05
## 2425              rubs   1 4.145765e-05
## 2426       rudimentary   1 4.145765e-05
## 2427           running   1 4.145765e-05
## 2428              runs   1 4.145765e-05
## 2429              rush   1 4.145765e-05
## 2430           ryerson   1 4.145765e-05
## 2431               sad   1 4.145765e-05
## 2432            safari   1 4.145765e-05
## 2433       salesperson   1 4.145765e-05
## 2434            sanity   1 4.145765e-05
## 2435      satisfactory   1 4.145765e-05
## 2436         satisfies   1 4.145765e-05
## 2437          satisied   1 4.145765e-05
## 2438             saved   1 4.145765e-05
## 2439             saver   1 4.145765e-05
## 2440             saves   1 4.145765e-05
## 2441           savings   1 4.145765e-05
## 2442             savoy   1 4.145765e-05
## 2443              scan   1 4.145765e-05
## 2444          scanning   1 4.145765e-05
## 2445         scavenger   1 4.145765e-05
## 2446         scheduled   1 4.145765e-05
## 2447            schmoe   1 4.145765e-05
## 2448           screens   1 4.145765e-05
## 2449           screwed   1 4.145765e-05
## 2450            script   1 4.145765e-05
## 2451               sea   1 4.145765e-05
## 2452             seact   1 4.145765e-05
## 2453   1 4.145765e-05
## 2454          seasoned   1 4.145765e-05
## 2455          secondly   1 4.145765e-05
## 2456           secured   1 4.145765e-05
## 2457          securely   1 4.145765e-05
## 2458            seeing   1 4.145765e-05
## 2459            seemed   1 4.145765e-05
## 2460         selection   1 4.145765e-05
## 2461        selections   1 4.145765e-05
## 2462            seller   1 4.145765e-05
## 2463           sellers   1 4.145765e-05
## 2464             sells   1 4.145765e-05
## 2465        separately   1 4.145765e-05
## 2466         september   1 4.145765e-05
## 2467            server   1 4.145765e-05
## 2468           servers   1 4.145765e-05
## 2469          serviced   1 4.145765e-05
## 2470         servicing   1 4.145765e-05
## 2471           serving   1 4.145765e-05
## 2472        settlement   1 4.145765e-05
## 2473       settlements   1 4.145765e-05
## 2474            setups   1 4.145765e-05
## 2475          severely   1 4.145765e-05
## 2476             share   1 4.145765e-05
## 2477             shift   1 4.145765e-05
## 2478              shit   1 4.145765e-05
## 2479          shooting   1 4.145765e-05
## 2480          shopping   1 4.145765e-05
## 2481      shortcomings   1 4.145765e-05
## 2482        shortfalls   1 4.145765e-05
## 2483        should.the   1 4.145765e-05
## 2484         shouldn't   1 4.145765e-05
## 2485             sight   1 4.145765e-05
## 2486        signficant   1 4.145765e-05
## 2487           simpler   1 4.145765e-05
## 2488        simplistic   1 4.145765e-05
## 2489    simultaneously   1 4.145765e-05
## 2490           singles   1 4.145765e-05
## 2491             sites   1 4.145765e-05
## 2492           sitting   1 4.145765e-05
## 2493        situations   1 4.145765e-05
## 2494             sizes   1 4.145765e-05
## 2495             skill   1 4.145765e-05
## 2496          slcenter   1 4.145765e-05
## 2497           sliding   1 4.145765e-05
## 2498            slight   1 4.145765e-05
## 2499          slowness   1 4.145765e-05
## 2500            snotty   1 4.145765e-05
## 2501           solidly   1 4.145765e-05
## 2502            solved   1 4.145765e-05
## 2503            solves   1 4.145765e-05
## 2504         someone's   1 4.145765e-05
## 2505          somewhat   1 4.145765e-05
## 2506              sooo   1 4.145765e-05
## 2507    sophistication   1 4.145765e-05
## 2508            sorely   1 4.145765e-05
## 2509             sound   1 4.145765e-05
## 2510           spacing   1 4.145765e-05
## 2511              spam   1 4.145765e-05
## 2512          speaking   1 4.145765e-05
## 2513            speaks   1 4.145765e-05
## 2514         specified   1 4.145765e-05
## 2515             speed   1 4.145765e-05
## 2516             spent   1 4.145765e-05
## 2517             split   1 4.145765e-05
## 2518          sponsors   1 4.145765e-05
## 2519             spots   1 4.145765e-05
## 2520            spotty   1 4.145765e-05
## 2521           spouses   1 4.145765e-05
## 2522             stage   1 4.145765e-05
## 2523           stances   1 4.145765e-05
## 2524      standardized   1 4.145765e-05
## 2525          standout   1 4.145765e-05
## 2526        standpoint   1 4.145765e-05
## 2527            stands   1 4.145765e-05
## 2528             state   1 4.145765e-05
## 2529        statistics   1 4.145765e-05
## 2530             steep   1 4.145765e-05
## 2531           stellar   1 4.145765e-05
## 2532       stewardship   1 4.145765e-05
## 2533             stick   1 4.145765e-05
## 2534             stock   1 4.145765e-05
## 2535           stopped   1 4.145765e-05
## 2536          stoppers   1 4.145765e-05
## 2537             stops   1 4.145765e-05
## 2538           storage   1 4.145765e-05
## 2539          straight   1 4.145765e-05
## 2540        strategies   1 4.145765e-05
## 2541             straw   1 4.145765e-05
## 2542        streamline   1 4.145765e-05
## 2543       streamlined   1 4.145765e-05
## 2544      streamlining   1 4.145765e-05
## 2545        strengthen   1 4.145765e-05
## 2546         strengths   1 4.145765e-05
## 2547         stressful   1 4.145765e-05
## 2548           stretch   1 4.145765e-05
## 2549          strictly   1 4.145765e-05
## 2550          struggle   1 4.145765e-05
## 2551        struggling   1 4.145765e-05
## 2552               sub   1 4.145765e-05
## 2553        subscribed   1 4.145765e-05
## 2554     subwscription   1 4.145765e-05
## 2555      successfully   1 4.145765e-05
## 2556             sucks   1 4.145765e-05
## 2557           suffers   1 4.145765e-05
## 2558        sufficient   1 4.145765e-05
## 2559           suggest   1 4.145765e-05
## 2560         suggested   1 4.145765e-05
## 2561        suggestion   1 4.145765e-05
## 2562              suit   1 4.145765e-05
## 2563             suite   1 4.145765e-05
## 2564            suites   1 4.145765e-05
## 2565             suits   1 4.145765e-05
## 2566           summary   1 4.145765e-05
## 2567         supported   1 4.145765e-05
## 2568        supportive   1 4.145765e-05
## 2569          supports   1 4.145765e-05
## 2570        surcharges   1 4.145765e-05
## 2571          surprise   1 4.145765e-05
## 2572         surprised   1 4.145765e-05
## 2573         surprises   1 4.145765e-05
## 2574           survice   1 4.145765e-05
## 2575          survival   1 4.145765e-05
## 2576           suspect   1 4.145765e-05
## 2577          switched   1 4.145765e-05
## 2578         switching   1 4.145765e-05
## 2579             table   1 4.145765e-05
## 2580               tag   1 4.145765e-05
## 2581              tags   1 4.145765e-05
## 2582              taks   1 4.145765e-05
## 2583             tampa   1 4.145765e-05
## 2584              tape   1 4.145765e-05
## 2585           tapping   1 4.145765e-05
## 2586              task   1 4.145765e-05
## 2587           teaches   1 4.145765e-05
## 2588             tells   1 4.145765e-05
## 2589          template   1 4.145765e-05
## 2590          templets   1 4.145765e-05
## 2591           tension   1 4.145765e-05
## 2592         teriiffic   1 4.145765e-05
## 2593              term   1 4.145765e-05
## 2594          terrible   1 4.145765e-05
## 2595          terribly   1 4.145765e-05
## 2596           testing   1 4.145765e-05
## 2597             texas   1 4.145765e-05
## 2598        thankfully   1 4.145765e-05
## 2599         theatre's   1 4.145765e-05
## 2600        theatrical   1 4.145765e-05
## 2601        themselves   1 4.145765e-05
## 2602             therm   1 4.145765e-05
## 2603           thermal   1 4.145765e-05
## 2604           they'll   1 4.145765e-05
## 2605           they've   1 4.145765e-05
## 2606          thorough   1 4.145765e-05
## 2607        thoroughly   1 4.145765e-05
## 2608       threatening   1 4.145765e-05
## 2609          thrilled   1 4.145765e-05
## 2610        throughout   1 4.145765e-05
## 2611              thru   1 4.145765e-05
## 2612        thundertix   1 4.145765e-05
## 2613          ticketed   1 4.145765e-05
## 2614      ticketmaster   1 4.145765e-05
## 2615             tiers   1 4.145765e-05
## 2616             timed   1 4.145765e-05
## 2617          timeline   1 4.145765e-05
## 2618            timely   1 4.145765e-05
## 2619           timeout   1 4.145765e-05
## 2620              tips   1 4.145765e-05
## 2621             token   1 4.145765e-05
## 2622          tomorrow   1 4.145765e-05
## 2623           tonight   1 4.145765e-05
## 2624     tonkenization   1 4.145765e-05
## 2625              tons   1 4.145765e-05
## 2626            tooooo   1 4.145765e-05
## 2627             topic   1 4.145765e-05
## 2628              tory   1 4.145765e-05
## 2629           totally   1 4.145765e-05
## 2630            totals   1 4.145765e-05
## 2631             touch   1 4.145765e-05
## 2632             tours   1 4.145765e-05
## 2633           towards   1 4.145765e-05
## 2634           trained   1 4.145765e-05
## 2635      transferring   1 4.145765e-05
## 2636            treats   1 4.145765e-05
## 2637      tremendously   1 4.145765e-05
## 2638            tricia   1 4.145765e-05
## 2639          troubles   1 4.145765e-05
## 2640   troubleshooting   1 4.145765e-05
## 2641             trump   1 4.145765e-05
## 2642             trust   1 4.145765e-05
## 2643              tues   1 4.145765e-05
## 2644              turn   1 4.145765e-05
## 2645          tutorial   1 4.145765e-05
## 2646         typically   1 4.145765e-05
## 2647              ugly   1 4.145765e-05
## 2648          umbrella   1 4.145765e-05
## 2649                un   1 4.145765e-05
## 2650       unavailable   1 4.145765e-05
## 2651           unaware   1 4.145765e-05
## 2652      unbelievable   1 4.145765e-05
## 2653    unconscionable   1 4.145765e-05
## 2654        unexpected   1 4.145765e-05
## 2655          unfilled   1 4.145765e-05
## 2656           unfixed   1 4.145765e-05
## 2657         unhelpful   1 4.145765e-05
## 2658            unique   1 4.145765e-05
## 2659          unlikely   1 4.145765e-05
## 2660            unlock   1 4.145765e-05
## 2661          unneeded   1 4.145765e-05
## 2662       unpractical   1 4.145765e-05
## 2663        unreliable   1 4.145765e-05
## 2664      unresponsive   1 4.145765e-05
## 2665    unsatisfactory   1 4.145765e-05
## 2666          unstable   1 4.145765e-05
## 2667      unsubscribed   1 4.145765e-05
## 2668          unusable   1 4.145765e-05
## 2669          unwieldy   1 4.145765e-05
## 2670     unwillingness   1 4.145765e-05
## 2671          upcoming   1 4.145765e-05
## 2672           updated   1 4.145765e-05
## 2673          uploaded   1 4.145765e-05
## 2674              upon   1 4.145765e-05
## 2675           urgency   1 4.145765e-05
## 2676            urgent   1 4.145765e-05
## 2677             usage   1 4.145765e-05
## 2678        usefulness   1 4.145765e-05
## 2679             uswer   1 4.145765e-05
## 2680         utilizing   1 4.145765e-05
## 2681             valid   1 4.145765e-05
## 2682            valued   1 4.145765e-05
## 2683         valunable   1 4.145765e-05
## 2684              vein   1 4.145765e-05
## 2685        vendiini's   1 4.145765e-05
## 2686         versatile   1 4.145765e-05
## 2687              vice   1 4.145765e-05
## 2688           video's   1 4.145765e-05
## 2689         viewpoint   1 4.145765e-05
## 2690         virtually   1 4.145765e-05
## 2691            visual   1 4.145765e-05
## 2692          visually   1 4.145765e-05
## 2693         volunteer   1 4.145765e-05
## 2694                 w   1 4.145765e-05
## 2695         walletini   1 4.145765e-05
## 2696            waning   1 4.145765e-05
## 2697            wanted   1 4.145765e-05
## 2698              warn   1 4.145765e-05
## 2699        washington   1 4.145765e-05
## 2700            wasted   1 4.145765e-05
## 2701          watching   1 4.145765e-05
## 2702             we'll   1 4.145765e-05
## 2703           weakest   1 4.145765e-05
## 2704         webmaster   1 4.145765e-05
## 2705          webpages   1 4.145765e-05
## 2706              west   1 4.145765e-05
## 2707        whatsoever   1 4.145765e-05
## 2708          whistles   1 4.145765e-05
## 2709             who's   1 4.145765e-05
## 2710              wife   1 4.145765e-05
## 2711       wilsonville   1 4.145765e-05
## 2712          wireless   1 4.145765e-05
## 2713              wise   1 4.145765e-05
## 2714           wishing   1 4.145765e-05
## 2715       wonderfully   1 4.145765e-05
## 2716           wonders   1 4.145765e-05
## 2717              wont   1 4.145765e-05
## 2718             words   1 4.145765e-05
## 2719        workaround   1 4.145765e-05
## 2720          workflow   1 4.145765e-05
## 2721             world   1 4.145765e-05
## 2722             worst   1 4.145765e-05
## 2723        worthwhile   1 4.145765e-05
## 2724           written   1 4.145765e-05
## 2725                 x   1 4.145765e-05
## 2726                 y   1 4.145765e-05
## 2727              yeah   1 4.145765e-05
## 2728            year's   1 4.145765e-05
## 2729            yearly   1 4.145765e-05
## 2730             yield   1 4.145765e-05
## 2731                yo   1 4.145765e-05
## 2732            you've   1 4.145765e-05
## 2733          yourself   1 4.145765e-05
## 2734             youth   1 4.145765e-05
## 2735           zipcode   1 4.145765e-05

Next we will calculate the skipgram probabilities, how often we find a word near another word. To do this we will create a sliding window of words around a word and then use pairwise_count to count cooccuring pairs within each sliding window. Essentially we will be doing this P(word1, word2) /P(word1)/ P(word2). We’ll take a window of 8 words for each sliding window. I reached this number after some experimentation.

skipgrams <- comments %>%
  unnest_tokens(ngram, Comment, token = "ngrams", n = 8) %>%
  mutate(ngramID = row_number()) %>%
  unite(skipgramID, docID, ngramID) %>%
  unnest_tokens(word, ngram)

Next we do a pairwise count of the terms and find the relative probabilities.

skipgram_probs <- skipgrams %>%
  pairwise_count(word, skipgramID, sort = TRUE, diag = TRUE) %>%
  mutate(p = n /sum(n))

Normalized skipgram probability

normalized_prob <- skipgram_probs %>%
    filter(n > 20) %>%
    rename(word1 = item1, word2 = item2) %>%
    left_join(unigram_probs %>%
                  select(word1 = word, p1 = p),
              by = "word1") %>%
    left_join(unigram_probs %>%
                  select(word2 = word, p2 = p),
              by = "word2") %>%
    mutate(p_together = p / p1 / p2)

Just with this information we can try and find some word associations - which words are most closely associated with service

normalized_prob %>% 
  filter(word1 == "service") %>% 
## # A tibble: 39 × 7
##    word1   word2         n         p     p1      p2 p_together
##    <chr>   <chr>     <dbl>     <dbl>  <dbl>   <dbl>      <dbl>
##  1 service service     718 0.000675  0.0116 0.0116       5.01 
##  2 service customer    336 0.000316  0.0116 0.00949      2.87 
##  3 service excellent    37 0.0000348 0.0116 0.00153      1.95 
##  4 service their        25 0.0000235 0.0116 0.00149      1.36 
##  5 service product      40 0.0000376 0.0116 0.00269      1.20 
##  6 service great       116 0.000109  0.0116 0.00833      1.13 
##  7 service good         48 0.0000451 0.0116 0.00369      1.05 
##  8 service your         49 0.0000460 0.0116 0.00398      0.997
##  9 service but          66 0.0000620 0.0116 0.00593      0.901
## 10 service get          25 0.0000235 0.0116 0.00257      0.787
## # ℹ 29 more rows

How about customer

normalized_prob %>% 
  filter(word1 == "customer") %>% 
## # A tibble: 31 × 7
##    word1    word2         n         p      p1      p2 p_together
##    <chr>    <chr>     <dbl>     <dbl>   <dbl>   <dbl>      <dbl>
##  1 customer customer    588 0.000553  0.00949 0.00949      6.13 
##  2 customer service     336 0.000316  0.00949 0.0116       2.87 
##  3 customer by           22 0.0000207 0.00949 0.00108      2.02 
##  4 customer excellent    25 0.0000235 0.00949 0.00153      1.61 
##  5 customer support     109 0.000102  0.00949 0.00775      1.39 
##  6 customer great        78 0.0000733 0.00949 0.00833      0.927
##  7 customer good         31 0.0000291 0.00949 0.00369      0.832
##  8 customer very         43 0.0000404 0.00949 0.00556      0.766
##  9 customer friendly     24 0.0000226 0.00949 0.00369      0.644
## 10 customer and         208 0.000195  0.00949 0.0349       0.589
## # ℹ 21 more rows

How about the negative qualifier not

normalized_prob %>% 
  filter(word1 == "not") %>% 
## # A tibble: 79 × 7
##    word1 word2        n         p      p1       p2 p_together
##    <chr> <chr>    <dbl>     <dbl>   <dbl>    <dbl>      <dbl>
##  1 not   not       1314 0.00123   0.00866 0.00866       16.4 
##  2 not   did         50 0.0000470 0.00866 0.000497      10.9 
##  3 not   sure        26 0.0000244 0.00866 0.000332       8.50
##  4 not   enough      23 0.0000216 0.00866 0.000332       7.52
##  5 not   does        56 0.0000526 0.00866 0.000829       7.33
##  6 not   fixed       26 0.0000244 0.00866 0.000415       6.80
##  7 not   flexible    27 0.0000254 0.00866 0.000497       5.89
##  8 not   i'm         32 0.0000301 0.00866 0.000663       5.23
##  9 not   may         23 0.0000216 0.00866 0.000497       5.01
## 10 not   perfect     41 0.0000385 0.00866 0.000912       4.88
## # ℹ 69 more rows

Next we want to perform matrix factorization, cast to a matrix. This produces a matrix of m x m size with most of values being 0.

pmi_matrix <- normalized_prob %>%
    mutate(pmi = log10(p_together)) %>%
    cast_sparse(word1, word2, pmi)

Next, produce a sparse matrix to reduce dimesionality.

pmi_svd <- irlba(pmi_matrix, 256, maxit = 1e3)

Next we get the word vectors

word_vectors <- pmi_svd$u
rownames(word_vectors) <- rownames(pmi_matrix)

Here is function to tidy the output

search_synonyms <- function(word_vectors, selected_vector) {
    similarities <- word_vectors * selected_vector %>%
        tidy() %>%
        as_tibble() %>%
        rename(token = .rownames,
               similarity = unrowname.x.)
    similarities %>%

Graph Analysis

Next, we will look at the bigrams again, but this time create a graph of co-occuence and other similar graph operations. Start by creating bigrams and creating a graph of linked words.

bigram_graph <- comments %>%
  unnest_tokens(bigram ,Comment, token = "ngrams", n = 2) %>%
  separate(bigram, c("word1", "word2"), sep = " " ) %>%
  anti_join(stop_words, by = c("word1" = "word")) %>%
  anti_join(stop_words, by = c("word2" = "word")) %>%
  group_by(cat) %>%
  count(word1, word2, sort = TRUE) %>%
  select(word1, word2, cat, n) %>%
  filter(n>2) %>%
## Warning in graph_from_data_frame(x, directed = directed): In `d' `NA' elements
## were replaced with string "NA"

Now let’s plot out the central themes here.

Centrality of words

bigram_graph %>%
  mutate(centrality = centrality_degree()) %>% 
    ggraph(layout = 'kk') + 
    geom_edge_link() + 
    geom_node_point(aes(size = centrality, color = centrality)) + 
    geom_node_text(aes(label = name), repel = TRUE) +
    theme_graph() +
   theme(legend.position = "none") 
## Warning: Using the `size` aesthetic in this geom was deprecated in ggplot2 3.4.0.
## ℹ Please use `linewidth` in the `default_aes` field and elsewhere instead.
## This warning is displayed once every 8 hours.
## Call `lifecycle::last_lifecycle_warnings()` to see where this warning was
## generated.


bigram_graph %>%
  mutate(community = as.factor(group_infomap())) %>% 
    ggraph(layout = 'kk') + 
    geom_edge_link(aes(alpha = ..index..), show.legend = FALSE) + 
    geom_node_point(aes(colour = community), size = 5) + 
    geom_node_text(aes(label = name),  repel = TRUE) +
## Warning: The dot-dot notation (`..index..`) was deprecated in ggplot2 3.4.0.
## ℹ Please use `after_stat(index)` instead.
## This warning is displayed once every 8 hours.
## Call `lifecycle::last_lifecycle_warnings()` to see where this warning was
## generated.

Final Thoughts

In these two posts we explored NPS quite deeply. We saw that the score had moved up consistently over the years, we saw that respondents clearly gave higher scores on certain days of the week, the platform is serving certain types of business better than others, comments are generally positive and customer service is loved accross the board but is also blamed for system shortcomings. We had a limted corpus of comments and having more would have helped with LDA and topic modeling.