Heat maps in R

Heatmaps Heat maps are invaluable in displaying a large amount of continuous data contained in a 2d matrix. This post is meant to show a way to create a print worthy heat map in R. Let’s start by loading the required packages. suppressPackageStartupMessages({ library(ggplot2) library(ggthemes) library(viridis) library(scales) library(tidyr) }) Data Our data is from a business that receives sales calls 24x7. Let’s read and see what the data looks like. We have observations (count of calls) for each day of the week and each hour of the day.

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When you are managing managers, you should have a single focus; they are learning to manage their teams well and as a secondary objective that they are contributing at high levels. There are several experts in this area and I do not claim to be anywhere close; these are just reminders for myself. Your team learns by modeling you. There is little doubt that what you do, your team will emulate.

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Nitin Ahuja

A programmer’s viewpoint

Forever learning
